-The Indian Express Several farmers told The Indian Express that they had to sell their paddy for Rs 800-Rs 1,200 per quintal in open market, although the MSP is Rs 1,868 per quintal, as the procurement process is yet to begin in their areas. Patna: THE MAJORITY of farmers in Bihar, who have harvested their paddy crop this season, have no option but to sell their produce at rates much below the...
Farmers set ultimatum on repeal of new agriculture laws -Priscilla Jebaraj
-The Hindu Government seeks more time to respond; more talks on December 9. After four hours of discussion with Central Ministers on the tenth day of their ongoing protests on the borders of Delhi, farmer leaders ran out of patience. Refusing to speak any further, they went on a 25-minute “maun vrat” or silent protest. Holding up impromptu placards with a short scribbled message, “Yes or No?”, they demanded that the government declare...
More »Condemning the new farm laws, Vikalp Sangam urges the government to help the country move towards a more sustainable, regenerative and diverse agricultural system
-Press release by Vikalp Sangam (vikalpsangam.org), dated 5th December, 2020 Vikalp Sangam (vikalpsangam.org) -- a conglomeration of 60+ active CSOs and members -- in its press release dated 5th December, 2020 has stated that the newly enacted farm laws of the Centre will lead to further land alienation (landlessness) and destitution of the peasantry because the laws permit, in thinly disguised form, the unsparing loot by the lobby of agri-businesses and...
More »In farmers’ protests, the core is procurement -CSC Sekhar
-The Hindu Farmers of Punjab and Haryana need the MSP-procurement system, but the government needs it even more for the PDS Farmers’ protests have erupted once again in north India. The farmers’ unions want nothing short of a complete withdrawal of the recently enacted Farm Acts, which they claim will ruin small and marginal farmers. Their main worry is about a possible withdrawal of the Minimum Support Price (MSP) and a dismantling...
More »Why should Indian agriculture be liberalised when in most countries governments subsidise it? -Christophe Jaffrelot and Hemal Thakker
-The Indian Express Without some support from the state, the smallest of Indian peasants would be even more vulnerable. On September 27, President Ram Nath Kovind gave his assent to three contentious farm bills passed by Parliament — The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020 (FAPAFS), the Farmers Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020 (FPTC) and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020...
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