-The Indian Express Of the Rs 80,310 crore the 26 states allotted to SCSP schemes in 2012-13, when the UPA government was in power at the Centre, Rs 61,480 crore was spent. WITH various political parties staking claim to the legacy of Dr B R Ambedkar on his 125th birth anniversary, the latest annual report by the Scheduled Caste Commission has found that almost all states have failed to honour their budgetary...
Bureaucrats pip poor to poverty line! -Kapil Dave
-The Times of India Gandhinagar: The delayed implementation of the National Food Security Act (NFSA) by the Gujarat government from April 1 has thrown up a rather unappetizing truth. More than 1.58 lakh people with permanent government jobs, four wheelers, five or more acres of land, monthly income of Rs 10,000 and paying income-tax -- were feeding off wheat and rice at Rs 2 per kg and highly subsidized sugar and kerosene...
More »To tackle drought woes, Centre to release 55% MGNREGA funds by June -Shalini Nair
-The Indian Express Of the Rs 21,000 crore expected to be released till June, this month the ministry has provided Rs 12,000 crore to the states towards payment of last year’s arrears for labour cost as well as for the month of April. Anticipating a huge spike in the demand for work due to severe drought conditions in most parts of the country, the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) has decided...
More »Success story in drought-hit MP -Jupinderjit Singh
-The Tribune Punjabi farmer grows coriander and reaps handsome profit Chandigarh: Alambir Singh Randhawa (62), a resident of Chandigarh and owner of 160 acres in Sagar district of the drought-hit Madhya Pradesh, had never seen the Betwa river in the region bone dry. The river-fed irrigation system of the state had failed. With no proper rain since August 2015, he along with other farmers was staring at another season of loss but playing...
More »Rice and fall of great desi crop: India has lost 1.10 lakh traditional varieties
-The Times of India Rice varieties that could grow during droughts or floods, tolerate saltwater, and carry distinct aromas or medicinal benefits - India has lost 1.10 lakh such traditional rice types. Some fifty years ago, these varieties abounded in the country, which is striving currently to ensure food security for all. Now, however, only 7,000odd local varieties remain and not all are grown. A traditional variety of rice is passed from...
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