-The Hindu In the recent incidents at Dhule and Thangadh, the communal bias of the police was caught on camera and is there for anyone who cares to see Images of the Delhi police lobbing tear gas shells at and using water canons on protesters at India Gate on a Sunday, December 23, 2012, who were agitating against the gang rape of a young girl are embedded in the nation’s psyche, courtesy...
Case Against Municipal Official for Threatening RTI Activist
-Outlook Jalna: The chief judicial magistrate has ordered the Kadim Jalna police to register a case against the chief officer of the Jalna Municipal Council (JMC) for allegedly abusing and threatening Right to Information (RTI) activist Ajit Kothari. According to the case filed, on March 19, 2010, RTI activist Kothari had filed an application with the chief officer and sought information regarding the installation of borewells in the town, but JMC chief...
More »Work in Progress-SL Rao
-The Telegraph The world lauds us as the largest democracy. Yet, how much of a democracy are we and where must we improve? Elections and their consequences: We have regular elections. They are supervised with increasing effectiveness as far as booth capturing, bogus voters and violence are concerned. The influence of money has not waned; if anything, it has increased. It is not as it used to be, for paying voters only....
More »National RTI meet in city
-The Times of India HYDERABAD: The controversial appointments of four information commissioners is one of the many topics that will be discussed at the upcoming national RTI (Right to Information) convention scheduled to be held in the city this week. Themed 'Transparency to accountability', the convention will be attended by 400 RTIactivists from across the country, who will be discussing an array of issues affecting the Act. The convention is being...
More »Political donations to get transparent
-The Times of India MUMBAI: India Inc has had to wait for nearly three years for the government to roll out the rules relating to the functioning of electoral trusts. The rules have been recently notified and come into effect from January 31, 2013. The 2009 Budget had introduced provisions relating to electoral trusts in the Income-tax Act. It provided for tax exemption to electoral trusts which distribute contributions to political parties,...
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