Chhattisgarh police raided the residence of Jaipur-based human rights activist Kavita Srivastava early on Monday morning in search of a fugitive woman Maoist from that State. Ms. Srivastava, general secretary of PUCL Rajasthan, was not present at the house on Kisan Marg in Shanti Niketan Colony when men in uniform and plainclothes came looking for one Sumit Sodi. The police team, comprising commandos from Chhattisgarh and personnel of Special Task Force of...
India to roll out world’s largest non-communicable diseases drive by Kounteya Sinha
As many as 26 "mini interventions" will make up the world's largest programme to combat non-communicable diseases (NCDs) that will be launched by India soon. The "New Delhi Call for Action on combating NCDs in India" initiative will be against specific diseases, and some will exclusively address major risk factors like obesity, junk food and tobacco consumption. The World Health Organization (WHO) only recognizes cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes and chronic lung ailments as...
More »In Mirchpur, scars remain but hope floats by Ruhi Bhasin
A new house bearing Tara Chand’s name awaits to be occupied by his family. The house was constructed by the government around four months ago, claim members of the Balmiki community in Mirchpur, Haryana. Tara Chand and his physically challenged daughter were burnt alive in April last year during a clash between the Balmiki and Jat communities. His wife and three sons moved to Hisar. On Sunday, the only telling signs...
More »Bad weather stalls rescue ops in Sikkim by Caesar Mandal
Torrential rain and fresh landslides on Saturday hampered search and rescue operations in North Sikkim's quake-affected areas. The death toll of the Sikkim quake stood at 77. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will visit Sikkim on September 27. He will fly over north Sikkim for an aerial survey of the quake-hit areas. State information secretary Karma Topgay said the Sikkim government will give him a memorandum about the assistance needed from the...
More »‘Missing Girls is About Femicide’ by Nitin Jugran Bahuguna
India has been ranked the fourth most dangerous country in the world for women, but the widespread practice of selectively aborting female foetuses may make it the most hostile to the female gender. In the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand, where the child sex ratio (0 - 6 years of age) has dropped to 886 girls per 1,000 boys - according to provisional data in the 2011 census - a strong civil...
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