-Hindustan Times Delhi education minister Manish Sisodia on Friday tabled two bills in the Assembly, which he said would revolutionise education reform sand go along way in helping the common man. &NBSp; The Delhi School (Verification of Accounts and Refund of Excess Fee) Bill 2015, better known as the Fee Regulation Bill, was the first to be presented. “People say that fee of a private school nowadays is more than their salaries, making private...
New Groundwater Rules Raise Hope of End to Industry Freeloading -Gaurav Vivek Bhatnagar
-TheWire.in New Delhi: Major beverage companies and other industries involved in excessive and destructive exploitation of groundwater are expected to be hit hard by the new guidelines issued by the Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) – the national groundwater regulatory agency – that come into effect this week. However, experts in the field have noted with concern that by allowing the industrial use of groundwater in water stressed areas with the quantum...
More »Cash Transfers: Miracle or Mirage? -Pramit Bhattacharya
-Livemint.com The success of cash transfers will depend on how well the government addresses design bugs The recent economics conclave hosted by the finance ministry in the capital has rekindled the debate on cash transfers in India. Among the invitees to the conclave was one of the most vocal critics of India’s transition to direct cash transfers, Jean Dreze, a development economist and an advisor to the erstwhile United Progressive Alliance (UPA)...
More »Heavy school bags breaking young backs in Delhi -Shradha Chettri
-Hindustan Times New Delhi: Eight-year-old Pihu Tiwari runs a marathon every morning with nearly 12 kilos loaded on her back. At least that’s what her walk from the school gate to her second-floor classroom feels like. She doesn’t just get tired but often pants her way up the staircase. “She is thin and weighs 29kg. And every day, she has to carry a bag to school which is almost half her weight. My...
More »NSSO 71st Round: Same Data, Multiple Interpretations -Nishant Jain, Alok Kumar, Sunil Nandraj, and Kheya Melo Furtado
-Economic and Political Weekly A comment on the article "Falling Sick, Paying the Price: NSS 71st Round on Morbidity and Costs of Healthcare" (EPW, 15 August 2015) which suggests that the National Sample Survey Office's 71st round on social consumption of health can be read differently. Nishant Jain (jainnishu@gmail.com) is Deputy Program Director at German Development Cooperation, India; Alok Kumar is Adviser (Health) at NITI Aayog; Sunil Nandraj is Adviser (Clinical Establishments...
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