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Is soft drink harming your health? by Kounteya Sinha

Is gulping down litres of carbonated soft drinks harming your health? We will soon know. The Union health ministry on February 7 informed the Supreme Court that a definitive study is now being undertaken by the National Institute of Nutrition ( Hyderabad) "to assess the effects of consumption of carbonated water beverages and soft drinks on health of adolescents and young adults". The final report of the study is expected to...

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Govt offers thesis on slush cash

The Centre today promised a “comprehensive study” to gauge black money but told the Supreme Court it couldn’t reveal information on such cash stashed abroad because of “confidentiality” clauses in overseas pacts. The government explained its stand in an affidavit in the Supreme Court, which had earlier rapped it for not doing enough to deal with the menace. The National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, the National Institute of Financial Management...

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Skill training for 80,000 BPL youths by K Balchand

About 80,000 youths from Below Poverty Line families are to be imparted job-oriented skill training under the National Rural Livelihood Mission, though the programme is yet to be launched formally. The Union Ministry of Rural Development has approved 14 projects for skill training leading to placement in urban settings, at an estimated cost of Rs. 165 crore, to be executed through private-public partnership mode. The Centre will contribute 75 per cent of...

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Caste divide by S Dorairaj

Tensions run high within the Christian community in Thachur village, and the government has adopted a hands-off approach for now. THE wrinkles on S. Royappan's face are a result of advancing age, but the ridges and furrows in them tell a story of humiliation of this Dalit Christian, as also others like him. Royappan, 82, was a bonded labourer, or padiyaal, in Thachur village in Tamil Nadu's Kancheepuram district, but...

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Higher hires

In October last year, the ministry of labour released the results of its first large-scale survey of employment and unemployment in India. The headline number was this: 9.4 per cent of India’s labour force is unemployed. An enviable number by world standards in the middle of recession. Except, of course, that number means precisely nothing. The problem lies in figuring out exactly who counts as unemployed. Given the nature of...

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