Total Matching Records found : 6565

CRY on a signature campaign to bring amendments to Act

BANGALORE: Child Rights and You (CRY) held a “Public Hearing” on equal education to all here on Friday, as part of their nationwide campaign inviting people to sign a charter to the Government asking for three amendments to the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. The charter demands that children below six years, as well as between 15 to 18 years are included in the main...

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School meals key to feeding and educating most vulnerable children – UN report

The introduction of free meal programmes not only ensures children are fed, but are crucial to keeping the poorest and most vulnerable in school while providing a boost to learning and health, according to a United Nations report released today. The new report from the World Bank and the World Food Programme (WFP) noted that although most countries offer meals to their students, poor nations face a double obstacle of...

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Juridical Contours of the Right to Education by Vijay Kumar

The recently enacted Right to Education Act, 2009 has extensively been debated in the media, civil society and academic palaver. Mainstream also intervened in the debate, and to the best of my recollection, published two pieces: first, a rather elaborate one by Muchkund Dubey on September 19, 2009, and thereafter by N.A. Karim on October 3, 2009. While entirely endorsing the views expressed in these two articles and sharing the...

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India accounts for 22 per cent of global maternal deaths

Two thirds of all maternal deaths occur in just 10 countries; India and Niger together account for one third of maternal deaths worldwide. India’s share of global total of maternal deaths is a staggering 22 per cent, according to the UNICEF’s newly released “State of World’s Children 2009.” (See the whole report in the URL below) India’s dismal record shows its low level of commitment in reducing maternal deaths that...

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Equality stalemate by Jayati Ghosh

The United Nations Conference on Women was held nearly 15 years ago in Beijing, China. This was an extraordinary moment in the history of the international women’s movements as well as women workers around the world, with unprecedented mobilisation of feminist policymakers, activists and academics in the international political arena, both prior to the conference and subsequently. The two-part conference, referred to as Beijing Platform and the Call for Action,...

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