-The Times of India KOLKATA: The pleas of a mother of a 27-year-old with cerebral palsy, who failed to get Aadhaar-registered despite three attempts because of his physical disability, prompted the Calcutta high court on Thursday to ask the central government one simple question: why were people, including those with serious disability, being forced to knock on the judiciary's doors to get themselves on the Aadhaar platform? Sanat Maitra has 83 per...
A Response to NITI Aayog's Rajiv Kumar on Seasonality and Job Losses After Demonetisation -Mahesh Vyas
-TheWire.in Mahesh Vyas of the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) responds to the NITI Aayog vice-chairman’s dismissal of CMIE’s research on unemployment in India. In an interview with Karan Thapar for The Wire, NITI Aayog’s vice chairman, Rajiv Kumar, has been dismissive about CMIE-BSE unemployment statistics. He says that I had no answer to chief statistician T.C.A. Anant’s question on seasonal adjustment of unemployment data. This is an incorrect description of...
More »Demonetisation ground report: Farmers in Maharashtra say black money is back in circulation -Jayashree Bhosale
-The Economic Times Balasaheb Ghadge, who works as a clerk in the village panchayat in the tribal belt of Andar Maval in Maharashtra and also runs a small kirana store, was a staunch supporter of demonetisation when it was announced. A year on, he is worried that poor farmers continue to suffer from the government’s move. “At the national level, the decision must have yielded results, but for us, life has...
More »A damaging and mindless act -Prabhat Patnaik
-The Hindu Business Line It was a gratuitous and direct assault on the informal sector by the state The retrospective defence being provided by the Government for its act of suddenly demonetising 86 per cent of the country’s currency is as mindless as the act itself. The main argument for demonetisation that was advanced a year ago was that ‘black money’-holders would not dare to bring their demonetised currency to the banks;...
More »Revolution that wasn't -Pratap Bhanu Mehta
-The Indian Express Demonetisation was part of a political imagination that is closer to a technocratic authoritarianism. Revolutions are often paradoxical things. In the minds of the revolutionary, they conjure up images of radical change. But reality is more recalcitrant. It makes a fool of the revolutionary, exacerbating those very things that the revolution seeks to change. Demonetisation has turned out to be no different. It was a populist measure, done in...
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