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Muted MSP hike positive for food inflation: Nomura

-PTI MUMBAI: The recent five per cent hike in the MSP against 15 per cent average hike in support price for farm produce in the last six years is likely to have only a nominal impact on food inflation Japanese brokerage firm Nomura said in its research report. Government last week raised the MSP of nine farm items, including some pulses and oilseeds, in the range of Rs 60-450 per quintal for...

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Reporter claims Modi’s ‘15,000’ rescue figure came from BJP itself-Prashant Jha

-The Hindu     The journalist who first wrote the story with the ‘15,000 Gujarati pilgrims' claim says his source for the figure was Anil Baluni, the BJP's spokesperson in Haldwani in Uttarakhand. For three days running, there was no reaction from the Bharatiya Janata Party to reports that the Gujarat Chief Minister, Narendra Modi, had evacuated ‘15,000 Gujaratis' from Uttarakhand in the course of a two-day visit to the hill State. But with...

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The Power of Going Local: New FAO Study

Groundwater, which irrigates half of Indian agriculture and provides 85% of rural drinking consumption, is an increasingly scarce resource. There is a growing understanding that it must be approached as a common property resource for collective benefit. It is best understood and managed by those who live near them and use them rather than agencies who visit sporadically - that is the central premise of efforts around participatory groundwater management....

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Grim news on jobs front for women -Latha Jishnu

-Down to Earth About nine million women went out of the job market in the rural areas between 2009-10 and 2011-12, a grim facet of the employment crisis in the countryside The dismal trend in India's jobless growth story was reinforced when the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) of the ministry of statistics and programme implementation released the highlights of its 68th round of its surveys, conducted from July 2011 to June...

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Uttarakhand floods: Disaster management in disarray-Kavita Upadhyay

-The Hindu In this time of adversity, while there are food, water and biscuits, there is also politics Dehradun: Uttarakhand is abuzz with helicopters whirring in the skies, Ministers from all over the country are chipping in with aid, money is flooding the Uttarakhand Disaster Management and Mitigation Centre. All this has happened this past week after massive rains and floods ravaged the Himalayan State. Politics too reared its ugly head in the...

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