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Varna Of Money-Uttam Sengupta

-Outlook Caste has nothing to do with graft. Even so, Nandy must be heard. Forging a link, however tenuous, between caste and corruption is akin to saying  that the average Indian male  has sex on his mind, caste and communalism in his heart and indigestion in his tummy. That was an irreverent response to the sweeping statement made by the “ageing enfant terrible” of Indian sociology, Ashis Nandy, during a discussion...

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2009-11: 68,000 Rape Cases But Only 16,000 Sentenced

-Outlook Nearly 68,000 rape cases were registered across the country during 2009-11 but only 16,000 rapists were sentenced to prison, presenting a dismal picture of conviction of sexual offenders. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, 24,206 rape cases were registered in India in 2011 but only 5,724 people were convicted for the crime. Similarly, in 2010, 22,172 rape cases were registered while the number of convicted persons for the crime was 5,632. A...

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One more step towards food security-Himanshu

-Live Mint Parliamentary committee’s proposals on the food security Bill are an improvement over the original The standing committee of Parliament, set up to examine the National Food Security Bill (NFSB), has finally given its recommendations. With this, the Bill has moved one step closer to seeing daylight. The recommendations, which are not binding on the government, will now be considered by the Union cabinet before being put to vote in Parliament.   The...

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Cabinet clears new Lokpal Bill-Liz Mathew and Anuja

-Live Mint Cabinet-approved Bill may stir up controversy after it left out a key proposal to bring CBI within its purview On the day that it approved the anti-graft Lokpal Bill, the first murmurs of dissent against finance minister P. Chidambaram’s call for expenditure cuts surfaced in the Union cabinet—over the seemingly piffling amount of `90.38 crore.   The cabinet eventually overruled the finance ministry’s objections and approved the infusion of the money for...

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Confused over Aadhaar, Cabinet sets up GoM

-The Economic Times Confusion over whether the unique identity number is a number, a card or both, and concerns over the UID and the National Population Register duplicating data prompted the Cabinet to refer UPA-2 's ambitious project to a group of ministers. The discussion on Thursday revealed that the Cabinet was not immune to contradictory and blurred perceptions about Aadhaar, as UID is known, with some ministers saying they had received...

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