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Food draft toes NAC line by Radhika Ramaseshan

A group of ministers has approved a draft food bill, considered the successor to the blockbuster rural jobs scheme, after incorporating most suggestions made by a panel headed by Sonia Gandhi, a minister said today. The bill, which will give the poor the right to subsidised foodgrain entitlements, has accepted “most” suggestions of the National Advisory Council (NAC) and deviations, if any, are “minor”, said K.V. Thomas, the minister of state...

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High newsprint prices likely to hit Indian print media margins

-The Business Standard   Increasing newsprint prices are likely to have a negative impact on profitability of the Indian print media industry in the short to medium term, according to a Fitch report. The report expects that an increase in advertising revenues may partly offset the rising cost of newsprint. Newspaper publishers generate about 70 percent of revenues from advertising, with the remainder coming predominantly from circulations. However, the agency's expectation of...

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Poor farmers lose out due to unending protests by Arpit Parashar

Farmers are caught between Mayawati’s promises, Rahul Gandhi’s idealism and mounting debts Land acquisition policy in Uttar Pradesh has been changed at least five times in the past five years to benefit the farmers. Amidst the raging controversies over what should be the land compensation rate and debates and protests over the various clauses of the land acquisition policy, most farmers have lost more than they could gain from Mayawati’s new...

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Agriculture blooming on initiatives galore by K Balchand

India registered a good 8.5 percent GDP growth in 2010-11 staving off the global impact of recession mainly due to the major recovery in the agriculture sector. The recorded foodgrain production in 2010-11 was the outcome of the initiatives of the state governments, the union government has now acknowledged. It was an innovation's galore to say the least if one takes into consideration the efforts of the 10 states that went...

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Work Balance? by Pragya Singh

Casual work, self-employment still rule Q&A Why are fewer women working? Education schemes and higher wages of men are keeping them home for longer. Why is casual work growing? The biggest employment scheme, NREGA, employs casual workers. Why is self-employment down? The least-paying jobs in the self-employment sector are worse than NREGA entitlements. *** The latest official figures on employment say this: a typical Indian worker is male, starts working in his mid-20s, is presumably better educated than...

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