-Hindustan Times Chandigarh: ON FARM FRONT Food security of the nation continues to be in the hands of Punjab that contributes the maximum share of wheat to the central pool but its farmers need reforms, not sops, to find a way out of the debt trap. Haryana started at a disadvantage but is gaining ground though the state govt’s role leaves much to be desired. Punjab awaits another revolution The tumultuous trifurcation of Punjab...
What SC says: No automatic right to shoot -R Balaji
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Supreme Court had recently said security forces had no inherent right to shoot people, which suggests that yesterday's killing of the eight Simi operatives by Madhya Pradesh police went against that ruling. The court had held that even if a person was seen carrying weapons in a "disturbed" area, it did not automatically give the security forces the right to shoot him. Even the army had no blanket...
More »SC recipe for 'fake encounters' is harsh, ranges from probe to death penalty for cops -Krishnadas Rajagopal
-The Hindu New Delhi: As videos of the alleged police encounter of eight SIMI men who broke out of the Bhopal Central Jail continue to raise demands for a judicial probe, a series of Supreme Court judgments show that the law is heavily, even fatally, loaded against police officers found guilty of 'fake encounters'. One of the judgments even recommends death penalty to “trigger-happy” cops and compares them to Nazi war criminals...
More »24 high courts have a total of 43% judicial vacancies -Pradeep Thakur
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The justice delivery system is taking a beating as the Centre and the Supreme Court slug it out over norms for appointment of judges. Andhra leads with 62% vacancy among the 10 high courts with most number of vacant judicial posts. The approved strength of the country's 24 high courts stands at 1,079, of which 464 posts or 43% are vacant. According to the law ministry,...
More »Will Pusa Arhar 16 solve India's pulse problem? -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com Pigeon Pea variant Pusa Arhar 16 could prove a game changer for inflation-wary policymakers as it has a maturity time of 120 days down from 160-270 days of current varieties New Delhi: Anew high-yielding pulse developed by government scientists at a leading research institute could prove a game changer for inflation-wary policymakers and consumers alike. Pusa Arhar 16, a dwarf pigeon pea created by scientists at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI),...
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