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Is the Agricultural Package Addressing Challenges Small Farmers Face in a Pandemic? -Gurpreet Singh and Rajeev Sharma The stimulus package has not made clear whether or how small farmers will really benefit. As agricultural activities are in full swing due to ongoing rabi harvest and forthcoming kharif sowing, the continuing lockdown in India is pushing small farmers further to the margins. While various governments (both Central and states) have announced relaxations for agricultural activities and support for farmers, impact of the lockdown can be seen in terms of...

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The healthy way to fix the economy -Arjun Jayadev & Achal Prabhala * India must use this moment to redirect government energies towards truly improving public health for all * India has the legal and industrial infrastructure to produce high-quality and affordable medicines, but we have hobbled it. The Indian patent system needs urgent attention BENGALURU: As we enter the tenth week of lockdown, it is hard to get past debates on the effectiveness of India’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. The relatively low...

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Barring a few, most states and UTs ignored the guidelines to help persons with disabilities during the lockdown

A recent survey conducted by National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP) -- a Delhi-based non-profit organisation -- shows how persons with disabilities in the country were disproportionately affected by the COVID–19 crisis. The report by NCPEDP has observed that persons with disabilities, particularly those from economically deprived sections, went through severe hardship during the lockdown. Without sufficient access to food or money, many of them faced hunger...

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COVID-19: 60% farmers suffered yield loss on their harvest, shows survey -Shagun Kapil

-Down to Earth Survey aimed to evaluate the impact of the nationwide lockdown against the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on agricultural production and livelihood   More than half the farmers who harvested their crops suffered a lower yield during the nationwide lockdown, compared to the last season of sowing the same crop, revealed a survey of 1,500 farmers in 200 districts across 12 states. The lockdown — to curb the spread of the novel...

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Lockdown and Persons with Disabilities: Survey recommends enforcing disability inclusive guidelines across India

-The Indian Express The report, which comprised approximately 73 per cent males and 27 per cent females, showed that over "73 per cent of those interviewed were facing severe challenges on account of the lockdown". Considering the numerous challenges that Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) have been facing during lockdown, a recent survey recommends enforcing the March 27, 2020 Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) guidelines for securing financial support to...

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