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Preterm Births: Numbers Soar Globally, U.S. Ranks 130 Of 184-Sharon Begley

* 11 percent of babies born premature in 2010, 1.1 million died * Experts estimate 75 percent could be saved * U.S. rate at 12 pct, fueled by later births, fertility treatments NEW YORK, May 2 (Reuters) - The world's developed countries have seen their average rate of premature births double to 6 percent since 1995, despite efforts to reduce the phenomenon, according to a report released on Wednesday. Worldwide, 15 million of the...

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India must “aggressively” address family planning needs: UNFPA-Nita Bhalla

-Reuters NEW DELHI (TrustLaw) - About 60 percent of Indian women have no access to family planning services, giving them little control over their bodies and slowing efforts to boost human development indicators, said the head of the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA). Human development indicators cover Health, education and living standards. India, Asia's third-largest economy, is set to overtake China as the world's most populous nation by 2030. But, despite its impressive economic...

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Half the child deaths in India due to premature birth

-The Deccan Herald Nearly half of all child deaths in India are caused due to premature births, making it the second leading cause in the country, said a report by international NGO Save the Children. The number one cause is pneumonia. The report added that India has the highest number of children dying of preterm births.“All newborns are vulnerable but preterm babies are acutely so,” says UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who...

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Poison in India’s groundwater posing national Health crisis-Nitin Sethi

Depletion of groundwater and its increasing pollution could be leading to a silent, nationwide public Health crisis as aquifers in many stretches across India are becoming unfit for drinking, according to the government's own figures. Data submitted in Parliament by the water resources ministry on Monday shows groundwater in pockets of 158 out of the 639 districts has gone saline. It says in pockets across 267 districts, groundwater contains excess fluoride;...

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A campaign to help the elderly spend the evening of their lives with dignity and without want is being launched by Pension Parishad with a dharna in Delhi from May 7th to May 11th 2012 at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi. The idea is straight and simple, and is something whose time has come. Just read on and reach the venue for more information and interviews with the campaign participants.   “One...

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