-Scroll.in Madhya Pradesh has added garlic to its price deficit payment scheme while Rajasthan has decided to procure the crop. Last year, Bunty Rawal planted garlic on six acres of his land in Khardabad village in Rajasthan’s Kota district. He reckoned it was a good decision. High quality garlic was selling for around Rs 12,000 a quintal at the time, he said. However, he managed to make only around Rs 5,000 as...
62% of tribal land claims rejected in Maharashtra: Official figures -Kavitha Iyer
-The Indian Express Records show that of the 3,59,745 claims for Individual Forest Rights (IFR) submitted under the law that came into force in 2006, 2,24,874 claims, or 62.5 per cent, were rejected in a three-tier process involving local bodies. Mumbai: More than 62 per cent of claims filed by tribals for individual land titles in Maharashtra under the Forest Rights Act have been rejected, according to data compiled till March 31,...
More »A crop revolution -Anupama Katakam
-Frontline.in The women-led climate-resilient farming model created by Swayam Shikshan Prayog in drought-hit Marathwada has yielded encouraging results and is worthy of emulation across the country. “LOOK at our quinoa. It has grown so well,” says a beaming Shailaja Narwade from Masia village near Solapur in interior Maharashtra. Shailaja has planted the traditional South American plant not for consumption but in order to harvest its seeds. “Quinoa seeds are very valuable...
More »54 lakh ha covered as kharif sowing picks pace; cane area up
-The Hindu Business Line New Delhi: Sowing in the current kharif season has commenced in right earnest with an area of 54 lakh hectares (lh) brought under cultivation till Friday, according to data released by the Agriculture Ministry. A total of 55 lh was covered during the same period last year. This is despite the fact that the total live storage capacity in 76 reservoirs used for irrigation stood at 22.66 billion...
More »'Delay in paddy planting in Punjab won't affect Acreage' -Vikas Vasudeva
-The Hindu The State govt. has ordered transplantation from June 20 The Punjab government’s decision to delay the start of paddy transplantation across the State by five days this year will not affect the Acreage under the crop as compared to last year, said State Agriculture Department officials. “We don’t see the decision of delaying the start of paddy transplantation hitting its Acreage. We are expecting farmers to sow paddy [basmati and non-basmati...
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