-The Hindu Various ratings agencies had predicted such a slowdown in the second quarter due to the impact of rising oil prices on input costs, and also due to the effect of the rupee devaluation. New Delhi: Second-quarter GDP growth slowed to 7.1%, from 8.2% in the preceding three-month period, official estimates released on Friday show. Gross Value Added (GVA) growth eased to 6.9% in July-September, from 8%. The GDP expansion in the...
GDP growth likely to decelerate to 7.5-7.6% in Q2: Report
-PTI The Central Statistics Office (CSO) will be releasing the estimates for GDP growth for July-September on Friday. NEW DELHI: The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth in the September quarter is expected to decelerate to 7.5-7.6 per cent over the previous three-month period mainly due to slowdown in rural demand, a State Bank of India (SBI) research report said Monday. The GDP growth at constant prices (2011-12) was 8.2 per cent in the...
More »Why factory output figures are suspect -R Nagaraj
-The Hindu Business Line The MCA database, which underpins the jump in factory GDP, is unconvincing. The ASI method was set aside for wrong reasons In early 2015, the Central Statistical Office (CSO) introduced a new series of National Accounts Statistics (NAS) with 2011-12 as the base year, replacing the earlier series with the base year 2004-05. It is the CSO's routine job to make such revisions, roughly once in a decade,...
More »Does India's New Series GDP Data Overestimate Manufacturing Output?
-TheWire.in The new series GDP data has been mostly replaced with corporate financial data for estimating manufacturing value-added, resulting in manufacturing assuming a higher share in India’s GDP and growing at a faster rate compared to the older series. New Delhi: Does the new method by which India calculates GDP (gross domestic product) data overestimate manufacturing output? This apprehension has been flagged by a key member of the Reserve Bank of India’s...
More »Double-digit delight for Manmohan era
-The Telegraph New Delhi: A new set of economic data put out by a sub-committee of the National Statistical Commission has shown that the UPA government under Prime Minister Manmohan Singh clocked a double-digit growth rate of 10.08 per cent in 2006-07. The new calculations have to be vetted by the Central Statistical Commission and by a standards authority before they become officially acceptable. If the figure holds even after that scrutiny,...
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