-The Hindu The actions plans come under the Swachh Bharat Mission Action plans for remediating around 1,000 legacy landfill sites that contain a total of 12.8 crore metric tonnes of waste have been approved under the Swachh Bharat Mission, said Union Housing and Urban Affairs Minister Hardeep Singh Puri on Thursday. Inaugurating the ‘Swachh Shehar Samvad’ and a tech exhibition here, Mr. Puri said under the ‘Lakshya Zero Dumpsite Challenge’ all legacy landfills,...
In Nandurbar, delayed MGNREGA wages trap workers in a vicious cycle of debt and migration -Tabassum Barnagarwala
-Scroll.in A rise in work allocation through the pandemic saw an enthusiastic response. Now, delayed wages and reduced allocation forces workers out of the district again. Bardha Girdhar had to wait more than six months to get Rs 2,976 he had earned for digging trenches in Nandurbar. A farmer who own a patch of land of a little over two acres in the district, Giridhar spends some part of the year growing...
More »In 2021, Over 100 Houses Demolished Every Day, 24 People Evicted Every Hour, says latest HLRN report
--Press release by Housing and Land Rights Network (HLRN) dated September 21, 2022 Over One lakh People Already Evicted in 2022. Nearly 1 Million People Faced Evictions in India in the Last Five Years. In 2021, over 36,480 houses were demolished and 2,07,106 people were forcibly evicted across India by governments – at all levels, reveals a new report by Housing and Land Rights Network (HLRN). The report also finds that in...
More »Activists Flag ‘Erosion of Confidence’ in MGNREGA for Drop in Job Demand -Ronak Chhabra
-Newsclick.in Kicking off a 3-day nationwide campaign on Wednesday, NREGA Sangharsh Morcha cited “derisively low budget allocation” and “long delays in wage payments” as reasons for turning many rural workers away from the employment guarantee scheme. New Delhi: Days after the Centre cited the drop in demand for work under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) to suggest stability in the labour market, rural workers and social activists, as...
More »No, economic recovery has not brought about a drop in MGNREGA job demand: Experts -Himanshu Nitnaware
-Down to Earth Delayed wages due to a lack of funds has eroded the confidence of job seekers in MGNREGA; This has driven down demand for work under the scheme this season Delayed wages due to a lack of funds has eroded the confidence of job seekers in the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). This has driven down demand for work under the scheme this season, experts have told...
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