Fifty-five days after three top executives of his company were sent to jail in the 2G spectrum scam, Anil Ambani, chairman of Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group ( ADAG), paid them a visit at the Tihar jail complex on Wednesday. The move comes on a day when Anil Ambani's role has come under fresh scrutiny, with the CBI informing that the joint parliamentary committee it is still examining ADAG's role in...
Webcasting for polling booths in West Bengal by Raktima Bose
Trouble-mongers will think twice before creating nuisance within polling booth premises during the Assembly elections in West Bengal as live videos of more than 1,000 critical booths will be directly monitored by the Election Commission through ‘web-casting.' The general public will also be able to stream the live videos by logging on to the West Bengal Chief Electoral Officer's site. A first-time initiative in the State elections, the technique will be put...
More »Problem of plenty
With buffer stocks ahead of harvest being twice the norm, limiting wheat procurement in the coming season is a judicious option. It is time for a thorough overhaul of the foodgrains procurement and buffer stocking policy. With the rabi season harvest of grains — mainly wheat, followed by paddy — just days away, a major challenge will be finding appropriate storage space. As of March 1, the Food Corporation of India...
More »NE girls battle racial slurs, feel like aliens by Ambika Pandit
Reena, a Delhi University student from the northeast, was on a cyclerickshaw when four bikers brushed past, feeling up her thighs and snatching away Rs 15,000 that she was carrying. And after all the fight she put up she was literally dragged by the bikers for some distance she reached the police station only to see the constables smirk at her. They simply asked her to give a written complaint...
More »Malaria threat looms large over NE
In what could mean danger signals for malaria stricken North-Eastern region including Assam, a new report has said that opportunities for malaria transmission is likely to linger long enough even as the disease is projected to spread to new areas in the Himalayan region. In the North-Eastern region, there is a likelihood that the windows of transmission of malaria may increasingly remain open for at least seven-nine months and may even...
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