-DNA A discussion launched on chief minister Narendra Modi during the question and answer section after the screening of the film Jay Bhim Comrad, saw vitriolic attack about the portion of the film which showed Modi's visit to Mumbai for election campaigns. The film is mainly focused on the cultural movement by dalit youths called Kabir Kala Manch and deals about atrocities on dalits and their struggle to sustain cultural revolution in...
Cave-ins under rights panel lens
-The Telegraph A routine road trip from Ranchi to Dhanbad was enough for an aghast senior functionary of National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to pull up Jharkhand for illegal mining and exploitation of tribals at the hands of the coal mafia. A source told The Telegraph that NHRC secretary-general Rajiv Sharma had visited the state in January. “On a drive from Ranchi to Dhanbad, he saw tribal children pushing coal-laden cycles uphill. It...
More »Outrage over Police Medal to SP Ankit Garg
-Hardnews Bureau Delhi The announcement of the President’s Police Medal for Gallantry for Ankit Garg, the SP of Dantewada is a reflection of the sad state of the Indian Republic as it celebrates its 63rd Republic Day. It is indeed shocking to see that a police officer who was accused of brutalising and torturing the young Adivasi teacher, Soni Sori, is being lauded by the State even after reports of perversity...
More »Nandini Sundar: The path to a conflict-free state
-CNN-IBN Contrary to the dominant narrative that areas where naxalites are strong are where the state has been absent, for the last 100-150 years, there has been a gradual expansion of the state in tribal areas regardless of whether the people want it or not. However, the state has been expanding in the wrong areas. You have an extension of the forest department, the bureaucracy, the patwari and the forest guard....
More »State reaches out to rebels again by Suman K Shrivastava
The Jharkhand government has appealed to Maoist rebels to make a fresh beginning in the New Year by surrendering to the rule of law, as it responded to feelers from a section of cadres, but did not promise any let-up in ongoing anti-rebel operations. The government gave a month’s time to active members of CPI(Maoist) to return to the mainstream, through an advertisement in local dailies on December 31. In the public...
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