-The Hindu Data show that 16 States (including Union Territories) faced a shortage while 18 States had sufficient or excess of blood units. India faced a 10 per cent shortage in its estimated blood requirement in 2015-16, an improvement from the 17 per cent shortfall reported in 2013-14, government data says. The estimated requirement is around 1.2 crore units per annum. In 2015-16, blood collection through various sources, including blood donation camps, was...
How Gram Panchayat Development Plan is changing the villages of India -Nidhi Sharma
-The Economic Times For Latak in Assam's Dhemaji district, floods are a living reality. But this remote village of about 300 houses has found a novel cost-effective way to connect flood-affected areas — a bridge made out of neatly stacked bamboo. It may not sound like a big success story but, for the village panchayat, it is a cause for much celebration. The panchayat planned the project after deliberations with villagers...
More »For him, the battle continues -Vidya Venkat
-The Hindu Bezwada Wilson has won Magsaysay Award for his struggle against manual scavenging. Chennai: Fifty-year-old Bezwada Wilson, national convenor of the Safai Karmachari Andolan (SKA), was declared one of the six recipients of the 2016 Ramon Magsaysay Award by the Philippines-based award foundation, in Manila on Wednesday. Recognised for his efforts to eradicate manual scavenging, Mr. Wilson told The Hindu that India still had over two lakh manual scavengers who needed...
More »Pradhan Matri Fasal Bima Yojana gets big boost; here’s how -Sandip Das
-The Financial Express The government’s move to roll out the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) from the ongoing kharif season has got a boost with 18 agriculturally critical states, including Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Odisha and Maharashtra, having floated tenders to identify insurers who will offer the scheme to farmers. According to agriculture ministry data, Rajasthan has completed the bidding process for identifying insurance companies...
More »Monsoon boosts kharif pulses sowing by 40% -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com Pulses have been sown in an area of 9 million hectares, substantially higher than the 6.5 million hectares planted by this time last year New Delhi: Bountiful rains across the country have boosted sowing of pulses and the area under different varieties is nearly 40% more than last year, shows data released by the agriculture ministry on Friday. So far pulses have been sown in an area of 9 million hectares,...
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