-The Hindu No extra funds, money coming from Samagra Shiksha’s 20% lower budget The Centre’s new mission to ensure that every Class 3 child has foundational literacy and numeracy within five years will be rolled out on Monday. Although the National Education Policy had included a 2025 deadline to achieve the goal, the Centre has pushed back the target date to 2026-27, given that COVID-19 has already disrupted two academic years. The School...
Can some States serve as a bellwether for the third wave? -R Prasad
-The Hindu Both in the first wave and second wave of COVID-19, increase in daily cases was first reported in Maharashtra, then Kerala and Delhi Both in the first and second wave, an increase in daily reported cases was first reported in Maharashtra, followed by Kerala and Delhi. These could be due to several reasons including greater integrity in testing and reporting data. Can a sharp and sustained increase in daily cases...
More »Excess deaths in Rajasthan are five times the official COVID-19 tally -Srinivasan Ramani
-The Hindu Undercount factor for the State is lower than Madhya Pradesh’s 23.8 The number of “excess deaths” registered by the Civil Registration System (CRS) in Rajasthan ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit (from April 2020 to May 2021) was 45,088, which is 5.4 times the official reported figure of 8,385 deaths for the same period. This high number was largely due to deaths registered in April 2021 (26,251) and May 2021(49,046). In...
More »More Than Half Of Districts With High COVID-19 Positivity Are Himalayan -IndiaSpend Team
-IndiaSpend.com Of India's 83 districts with a COVID-19 test positivity ratio higher than 10% by the week ending June 30, 54% were in the mountainous Himalayan region. Experts ascribe this to infections reaching hilly areas later than the plains, and to low and late testing Mumbai: India's Himalayan region is reporting high levels of COVID-19 positivity, even as the second wave recedes in many parts of India, an IndiaSpend analysis of Ministry...
More »Here's What We Know About COVID's Impact on India's Workers – and What We Can Do About it -Rosa Abraham and Amit Basole
-TheWire.in The pandemic disproportionately impacted women and young workers. A school bus driver is struggling to make ends meet driving a tempo for hire, purchased with an informal loan; a five-star chef is volunteering for an NGO preparing cooked meals for distribution in the slums of Bangalore; and an MCA degree-holder is working as a door-to-door water purifier technician. These and many more such anecdotes give us a glimpse into the disruption...
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