India's annual food inflation edged up for the second week, rising to 16.49% for the week ended May 8 as shown by the official data released on Thursday. The food inflation stood at 16.44% the previous week, up from 16.04% for the week ended April 24. Data on the wholesale price index (WPI) released by the commerce and industry ministry showed that food inflation rose though the index for this...
Record wheat output likely, Centre upbeat by Gargi Parsai
With expectations of a record wheat production this year (2009-10), the Union government is upbeat about providing food grains to the Below Poverty Line (BPL) families on a sustained basis under the proposed National Food Security Bill. “Despite the drought caused by (-) 23 per cent rainfall during the kharif season this year, farmers have maintained a production of 170.29 million tonnes of rice and wheat… which calls for satisfaction. With...
More »Food inflation falls to 16.04%
Food Inflation further eased to 16.04% for the week ended April 24, as arrival of rabi (winter) crops cooled down prices of essential items. Inflation fell over 0.57% from 16.61% in the previous week on account of a percentage point drop in prices of fish, fruits, wheat and vegetables over the week. However, tea prices rose 13% while maize, gram and eggs prices were up 1% each. Prices of cereals...
More »Ensure long run for food coupons by Shanto Ghosh
SINCE THE RELEASE OF THE ECONOMIC Survey, 2010, in February, much has been discussed — but far less debated — on the issue of substituting India’s public distribution system (PDS) with a food coupon-based targeted subsidy programme to benefit the below-poverty-line (BPL) families. As a leading proponent of this programme, the economic adviser to the finance ministry, Kaushik Basu, has gone on record advocating the use of food coupons declaring...
More »Right to Food Campaign activists seek debate on proposed food security Bill by Gargi Parsai
The Right to Food Campaign on Tuesday expressed its disappointment with the “narrow manner'' in which the proposed food security Bill was being formulated and sought a public debate on the subject. They resolved to intensify their efforts to secure a legal right to food and nutrition for all. At a meeting with Union Food and Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar, a delegation of activists said the proposal to provide 25 kg...
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