The government is likely to increase the plan allocation for government schemes by 15 per cent to Rs 3.73 lakh crore during 2010-11. Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee and Planning Commission deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia today held discussions on plan allocations amid demand for higher support from various ministries. Sources in the North Block said the finance ministry could agree to allocate a modest Rs 3.73 lakh crore of the gross budgetary...
Plan panel sees no large gains in budgetary support by Sangeeta Singh
The Planning Commission, the country’s apex planning body, is gradually reconciling to the fact that there would be no large gains in the gross budgetary support (GBS) in budget 2010-11, as the government struggles to reduce fiscal deficit. GBS is the money the Union government allocates to various government programmes through the Union budget. “The major objective of the finance ministry is to bring down the fiscal deficit from 6.8% of...
More »Passed by House in Aug, right to education yet to be law by Akshaya Mukul
The Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act was billed to be a giant leap towards universalization of education in India. However, it has acquired the dubious distinction of being the only fundamental right that exists just on paper. More than seven years after the Constitution was amended in 2002 to make free and compulsory education to children in the age group of 6-14 a fundamental right and over four...
More »Rs 10,000 cr package for Vidarbha
Minutes before curtains were drawn on state legislature's winter session, Chief Minister Ashok Chavan announced a Rs 10,000 crore package for Vidarbha. "This a time-bound programme for all-round development of the region and will be implemented in three years," said Chavan assuring the house that he would personally monitor it in co-ordination with the chief secretary. A quick analysis of the package, however, showed it was a re-jig of ongoing...
More »Midday meal index vetoed by Charu Sudan Kasturi
An ambitious human resource development ministry proposal aimed at ending persistent gaps between allocated and needed funds that plague the midday meal scheme has been rejected by a key finance panel. The Centre’s expenditure finance committee (EFC) has dumped the ministry proposal to tie costs of the meal scheme to fluctuating commodity prices through a special pricing index, The Telegraph has learnt. The EFC’s approval is mandatory for central proposals with...
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