-The Hindu Supreme Court asks Chhattisgarh to pay doctor Rs. 5 lakh for mental agony The Supreme Court, coming down heavily on Chhattisgarh police officers for custodial torture of an Ayurvedic doctor in 1992, directed the State government to pay him Rs. 5 lakh as compensation for the mental agony and humiliation he suffered. It is to be recovered from the erring officers in equal proportion. Allowing an appeal from Mehmood Nayyar Azam,...
18 MPs facing criminal charges got prohibited guns from government: Study
-IANS Eighteen of the 82 parliamentarians given licences of prohibited bore guns between 2001- 12 had criminal charges pending against them, a study has said, hinting at criminalisation of Indian politics. The 18 MPs were facing cases like murder, attempt to murder and kidnapping at the time the weapons were sold to them. "The study shows the extent to which our politics has become criminalised...we need to take immediate steps to root out...
More »Wal-Mart, others seek US govt help on India plans
-PTI Amid growing political opposition in India for easing of foreign investment norms in retail and other sectors, US-based companies like Wal-Mart and Prudential Financial are lobbying hard with their own lawmakers here to garner support for their Indian business expansion plans. As per their latest lobbying disclosure reports filed with the House of Representatives and the Senate, the US-based companies and industry groups spent millions of dollars since the beginning of...
More »KV Thomas, Union minister for consumer affairs, food and public distribution interviewed by Nitin Sethi
Union minister for consumer affairs, food and public distribution KV Thomas tells Nitin Sethi that it makes better sense to distribute stocked foodgrain to people of the country than subsidise exports. Possible spread of drought that the government is looking at... At the moment, monsoon rainfall is 23% below the long term average. But we have to wait another 15 days to know the full situation. We had discussion in the presence...
More »Ban toxic imports: court-Moyna
Supreme Court wants hazardous waste rules aligned with Basel Convention THE Supreme Court has directed the Centre to ban the import of hazardous waste. While hearing a 17-year-old case, the court also asked the government to amend the existing laws pertaining to toxic waste so that they comply with the Basel Convention, an international treaty that prohibits transboundary movement of toxic waste. India ratified the Convention in 1992. The court gave the...
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