-The Hindu Business Line Bengaluru: A total of about Rs. 900 crore has been sanctioned by the Union Ministry of Urban Development and an amount of about Rs. 700 crore has been released to States/UTs based on proposals received under Swachh Bharat Mission during 2014-15. Implementation of the Mission is expected to pick up momentum from the current financial year onwards. Gujarat leads the states in implementation of Swachh Bharat Mission during 2014-15....
Public funds to push neoliberal agenda -CP Chandrasekhar
-Frontline.in The Modi government has apparently realised that the private sector is not up to the task of driving growth. It hopes to fund its neoliberal dream of India becoming the fastest-growing emerging market through a combination of off-Budget borrowing and drastic expenditure reduction in key social sectors. IT will soon be a year since the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi took office at the Centre....
More »MGNREGA Works and Their Impacts: A Study of Maharashtra -Krushna Ranaware, Upasak Das, Ashwini Kulkarni, and Sudha Narayanan
-Economic and Political Weekly This study reports on a survey of 4,881 users of more than 4,100 works created under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act in Maharashtra. It provides evidence that MGNREGA works support agriculture, and benefit a large number of small and marginal farmers. An overwhelming 90% of the respondents considered the works very useful or somewhat useful, while only 8% felt they were useless. Further, most...
More »Free speech Ver.2.0 -Lawrence Liang
-The Hindu With its judgment to strike down a legal provision for violating freedom of speech, the Supreme Court has paved the way for thoughtful jurisprudence in the age of the Internet While describing Sec.124A of the IPC (sedition) as the "prince among the political sections designed to suppress the liberty of the citizen", Mahatma Gandhi offered us an ironic way of thinking about liberty-curbing laws through the metaphor of illegal tyrants....
More »So Richie Rich? Have Another One On Us -P Sainath
-Outlook Corporate karza maafi reaches new heights, social spending new lows This year's budget write-off in customs duty on gold, diamonds and jewellery (all aam aadmi items, of course) is Rs 75,592 crore. That's well over twice the "record" amount allocated to the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. As Prof Jayati Ghosh points out, the MNREGA has given billions of person-days of work to tens of millions of poor...
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