The “committee” promised by the Goalpara administration to clear the paltry sum of Rs 200 to fund midday meals in Belpara primary school in the district has not materialised yet, leaving its 40 students in the lurch. The promise came on June 12, almost a month after the May 13 abduction of the school’s headmaster, Kameshwar Rabha, and another teacher by suspected GNLA militants while they duo were riding back home...
Rio+20 summit must move world beyond 'grow now, clean up later'-Connie Hedegaard
-The Guardian The Earth summit has to ensure sustainability is at the heart of growth models – the swelling global population depends on it Growth in itself is neither our enemy nor our problem. But what kind of economic growth do we need? And do we want growth at any cost? A child born today is one of seven billion people on Earth, and during its lifetime will see the world's population grow...
More »India’s poverty removal pitch wins the day in Rio-Nitin Sethi
India won the day, with the 192 countries gathered at Rio de Janeiro agreeing that eradicating poverty should be given the highest priority, overriding all other concerns to achieve sustainable development. After a bitter fight with the developed countries, who wanted the objective of poverty eradication be made subservient to creating a 'green economy', India's demand to put the goal of removing poverty above all other objectives in the final Rio+20...
More »Money for food will not help: Activists
-The Deccan Herald Proposals to replace the public distribution system with direct cash transfer into individual accounts under the proposed Food Security Bill do not have any taker, claim social activists. These activists are lobbying against cash transfers. But others believe this is better than distributing foodgrain among the poor. According to controversial proposal, the public distribution system (PDS) which provides subsidised foodgrain will be replaced with direct cash subsidies. A fixed amount will...
More »Rio+20: Earth summit dawns with stormier clouds than in 1992-John Vidal
John Vidal, who was in Rio for the '92 Earth summit, looks back at that momentous event, and how the 2012 version compares Helicopters thundered up and down the chic Copacabana and Ipanema beaches. Tanks guarded the bridges and tunnels. The favelas were in lockdown, schools closed and supermarkets stood empty. Unexpectedly, George H W Bush, the 41st US president, flush with success at the collapse of communism, had arrived in...
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