-The Hindu Constable Archana Jain caught the attention of her seniors after photos of her working at her desk with her six-month-old daughter sleeping on the table were widely shared on social media. Lucknow: For police personnel, there is no running away from stress. But if we add to that the pressure and responsibilities that come with motherhood, day-to-day routine becomes even more demanding. This was true for Archana Jain, a woman constable...
India's abject failure on manual scavenging -Partha Pratim Mitra
-The Telegraph Despite being prohibited the practice remains widespread and unmodernised, and violators are not punished The death of five sanitation workers in Delhi is a grim reminder of the hostile conditions that confront manual scavenging in India. Manual scavenging has been prohibited by law. Yet, it remains unchecked. There is also a distinct lack of effort to make this objectionable occupation safe and dignified. This is the net result of institutional...
More »Is "Formalisation" possible? -CP Chandrasekhar and Jayati Ghosh
-Networkideas.org In recent times, the clamour for formalising economic activity, or shrinking its unorganised component and expanding the organised, has been heard from diverse sources. There are those who want formalisation to occur because the unorganised sector is seen as being largely outside the direct and indirect tax net, depriving the government of much needed resources. Hence, for example, one feature seen as favouring the Goods and Services Tax regime is...
More »What Is Affecting the Performance of the Public Sector? -Kiran Bhatty and Dipa Sinha
-TheWire.in Most of the ‘reforms’ that are being introduced to address poor delivery of social services are silent on the issue of inadequate human resources, among other shortfalls in capacity. The poor performance of the public sector especially in education, health and other social services has been the subject of a lot of debates in the last few decades. The dominant narrative has attributed implementation failures to corruption, lack of accountability, poor...
More »Lip service to labour rights -Indira Hirway
-The Hindu The exodus of migrant labour from Gujarat highlights the indifference of States to their well being and rights Gujarat is one of the top States in India that receive migrant workers, largely temporary and seasonal, on a large scale. In Gujarat, they work in unskilled or semi-skilled jobs in a wide range of activities such as in agriculture, brick kilns and construction work, salt pans and domestic work, petty services...
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