-The Times of India Deputy commissioner Pooja Singhal on Friday handed over a cheque for Rs 25,000 to Kabutri Kuarn, the widow of anMGNREGA job card holder from Hotai village under Panki block, Jaggu Bhuiyan (45), who was found hanging from a tree on January 7 in the village. Singhal also made a fixed deposit of Rs 50,000 in her and her sons' names for a period of three years in a...
Sonia Gandhi's family residing at Ulhasnagar? by Pradeep Gupta
A social activist has found a ration card on the Ulhasnagar Municipal Corporation (UMC) premises that was issued in the names of Congress president Sonia Gandhi, her son Rahul and daughter Priyanka, bearing their Delhi address. The family's annual income was shown as Rs 30,000. The ration card was issued by the Thane rationing office. The ration card was issued despite Sonia Gandhi's address being mentioned as Delhi's 10 Janpath, indicating...
More »Don’t need a visa to visit, says Rushdie
-PTI Salman Rushdie today said he does not need a visa to visit India and the government made it clear it would not stop him from coming. The author, reacting to an Islamic seminary’s opposition to his trip to the country, wrote on Twitter: “Regarding my India visit, for the record, I don’t need a visa.” Yesterday in a statement, Dar-ul Uloom Deoband vice-chancellor Maulana Abul Qasim Nomani said the “Indian government should...
More »Government to take states on board over food security bill
-IANS Still nursing the sting of ally Trinamool Congress opposing the Lokpal Bill in the Rajya Sabha citing issues of federal autonomy, the United Progressive Alliance ( UPA) government wants to take the states into confidence on Sonia Gandhi's dream project - the National Food Security Bill, 2011. The bill was tabled in the Lok Sabha during the winter session of parliament last year and will now go to the standing committee...
More »Unique ID better than PC smart card: Montek by Nishit Dholabhai
The Planning Commission today said Nandan Nilekani’s unique identification (UID) numbers were a more practical option than P. Chidambaram’s smart cards when it comes to electronic transfer of benefits to the rural poor. Plan panel deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia said the UID numbers could be used even through “mobile telephones while the smart card can only be read by a card-reader”. The commission and the home ministry have both been pushing...
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