-The Hindu Chief secretaries, registrars general of High Courts will be liable for non-compliance. New Delhi: The Supreme Court has upped the ante on the States, Union Territories and High Courts which have not provided it with details of criminal cases pending against sitting lawmakers, warning that their Chief Secretaries and Registrars General will be made personally liable for non-compliance. The Centre informed the court that so far a dozen such courts had...
Crop burning: Why are punjab farmers defying government ban -Jitendra
-Down to Earth Farmers struggle to decompose paddy straw in absence of adequate machines It is 11:30 am. A gypsy, with two loudspeakers mounted on it, takes a U-turn (on NH 7 at Chano) and enters Kalajhar village in Sangrur district of punjab. As it enters, it starts announcing to the farmers in the village to gather at the outskirts and set the crop residue on fire. Such announcement is a sharp...
More »Stubble Burning: Farmers blame high cost for limited use of key equipment -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard Haryana confident of handling the fires; to add over 1,230 new custom hiring centres soon New Delhi: Farmers in large parts of punjab and Haryana haven’t completely abandoned stubble burning, though there has been considerable decline in number of burning sites this year, as compared to 2017. A big reason farmers in punjab are being forced to burn the paddy stubble to clear their fields is an acute shortage of ‘Happy...
More »All fiddle as crop stubble burns, farmers say solutions out of reach -Mallica Joshi
-The Indian Express Every October, the air quality in Delhi, punjab and Haryana plummets as farmers set the leftover stubble and loose straw on fire after paddy is harvested using combines. And this time, too, the smoke signals from the fields are ominous Ambala, Karnal, Patiala: “A matchbox costs just Rs 2, you know,” says Ram Pal Rana, as he collects and piles up dry straw on one side of his...
More »Stubble burning: Delhi at risk of another smog attack as punjab farmers have little alternative but burn straw India -Arjun Sharma
-Firstpost.com Late sowing, lack of government incentive to remove stubble mechanically have often led farmers in punjab and Haryana to burn paddy stubble during autumn to immediately prepare the fields for wheat cultivation. Consequently, the stubble burning occurs on such a huge scale that it even engulfs Delhi in a canopy of smog: thus causing serious pollution for days and health issues. Ludhiana: For two winters, Delhi has made international headlines for...
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