-The Times of India Despite more access to education, better household amenities and increased incomes, the economic gap between upper castes and dalit and tribal communities continues unchanged over the years, according to latest economic data from the NSSO. A comparison of average monthly expenditure of households belonging to dalit communities with upper caste households showed that in rural areas there was a gap of about 38% in 1999-2000 which changed only...
More evidence: NREGA generated jobs for poor SCs & STs
Amidst brouhaha over the importance of MGNREGA, the recently released 68th Round National Sample Survey (NSS) report clears the air whether the MGNREGA had been beneficial to employment of persons from Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs). Based on a survey of nearly 59,700 households in rural areas of India, the NSS 68th Round data shows that the proportion of persons who got job in...
More »Survey finds breast infections rampant in Adilabad tribal women -S Harpal Singh
-The Hindu Health workers conducting a survey in 10 mandals in the district have so far identified over 10 per cent of the 6,000 respondents carrying different breast infections Adilabad (Telengana): The high incidence of breast infections among Adivasi women of Adilabad in Telangana has created apprehension of more serious health impacts for this remote population. Health workers conducting a survey in 10 mandals in the district have so far identified over 10...
More »From plate to plough: A Baisakhi gift for the farmer -Ashok Gulati
-The Indian Express Unseasonal rains are breaking the back of Indian farmers. The prime minister has taken the first step by deciding to raise the existing norms of compensation by a hefty 50 per cent - from the existing Rs 9,000 per hectare for irrigated crop, Rs 4,500 per ha for unirrigated crop and Rs 12,000 per ha for perennial crop. Further, the compensation will be given to all those who...
More »Rajasthan gears up to prevent child marriages on Akshaya Tritiya -Aarti Dhar
-The Hindu Jaipur: On Akshaya Tritiya, considered auspicious, a large number of child marriages take place in rural Rajasthan The Rajasthan government has asked its health workers and paramedical staff and non-governmental organisations to prevent child marriages on Akshaya Tritiya, which falls on April 21, and Peepal Purnima on May 4. On these days, considered auspicious, a large number of child marriages take place nationwide, especially in rural Rajasthan. According to the Annual Health...
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