Total Matching Records found : 13539

Time to focus on paid ecological services -Satvinder Kaur Mann

-The Tribune The community has to pay the cost of environmental degradation if sustainable agricultural practices are not followed. Food can also be produced by in-built provisions for ecological services. For this, sustainability issues have to be addressed with policy support. An ecosystem is a dynamic, complex, functional unit of diverse living organisms, physical environment and humans are its integral part. The wellbeing of mankind depends upon food, water, fibre, medicine, flood...

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93 women are being raped in India every day, NCRB data show -Christin Mathew Philip

-The Times of India CHENNAI: If one goes by the latest statistics of National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), every day 93 women are being raped in the country. According to NCRB data, there is a gradual increase in the number of rapes reported in India - from 24,923 in 2012 to 33,707 in 2013. Despite of several protests after Nirbhaya incident in New Delhi, the national capital continuous to be the unsafe city...

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Why Delhi needs to step back -Lant Pritchett and Gulzar Natarajan

-The Indian Express Most of the dynamism of the Indian economy comes from its States. They must be given more room to chart their growth trajectories In the euphoria surrounding the election results, it is tempting to avoid facing up to the harsh realities of making development happen. Even for those who characterise the election as "the dawn after the dusk", in the new light of day, India's development challenges remain essentially...

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Drought Mitigation in Tamil Nadu -S Rajendran

-Economic and Political Weekly     Sustained and focused efforts have to be made by the Tamil Nadu state government to provide relief and rehabilitation to the drought affected people of the state. S Rajendran ( is with the Department of Economics, Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu. Due to the failure of the north-east monsoon in December 2013, Tamil Nadu is witnessing drought like conditions this year, leading to poor agricultural productivity, rural distress,...

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Retail onion prices soar to double of wholesale rates -Sidhartha & Dipak Kumar Dash

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The large difference between wholesale and retail prices of onions in markets such as Delhi, Indore, Chandigarh and Mumbai has taken the government by surprise despite several steps announced by it, including an advisory to States to crack down on hoarding and speculation. Data available with the government showed that last week, the key kitchen ingredient was available for Rs 12.75 a kg in the wholesale...

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