Total Matching Records found : 6922

States must not ignore human rights in efforts to end poverty

Governments risk failing some of the world's most impoverished and vulnerable groups unless human rights are put at the centre of efforts to eradicate poverty, Amnesty International warned on Wednesday. In a new report looking at how to strengthen the Millennium Development Goals [MDGs], the organization highlights how key targets fall short of existing international human rights standards. The report, From Promises to Delivery, outlines crucial steps governments can take to deliver...

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Identity enumeration and statistical systems by Sukhadeo Thorat

The system of statistical data collection in India needs reform in order to meet actual requirements.  * There is a concern that caste-tribe-religion wise data may cause them to be used for political ends * Another concern is that they may consolidate rather than reduce consciousness around identity in terms of caste and religion * These fears are not borne out by experience; if anything, the experience is to the contrary The use...

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Modi launches nutritional food programme

Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi Tuesday launched a supplementary nutritional food programme aiming to reach about 40 lakh poor beneficiaries through the anganwadi network in the state. 'It is a unique movement to free children and pregnant women from the scourge of malnutrition,' Modi said. It would be undertaken under the aegis of the state government's women and child welfare department as part of the Integrated Child Development Programme. It...

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Indian papers deplore 'shameful' Bhopal sentences

The Indian press has expressed outrage at the sentences handed down to Union Carbide employees found guilty of negligence over the gas leak that killed thousands of people in Bhopal in 1984. One paper described the two-year sentences given to eight former Union Carbide executives as "absurdly light punishment" and "a travesty of justice". Several accused successive Indian governments of kowtowing to US business interests in their failure to bring the...

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35 lakh families may figure in BPL list by NJ Nair

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: As many as 35 lakh families in the State are likely to figure in the below poverty line (BPL) list. The Centre is likely to approve the list. The process adopted by the Local Self-Government Department for identifying the families is understood to have been approved by the Centre. The system may be emulated in other States too. Time has come to initiate proceedings for the latest survey based on...

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