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Raghubar revs up school enrolment

-The Telegraph Ranchi: Over 300,000 children aged between six and 14 years are still out of school in Jharkhand, fresh data tabulated by the HRD department this year has revealed, prompting the state government to pursue its annual enrolment drive for students with renewed vigour and under a new name. Today, chief minister Raghubar Das relaunched the state's enrolment campaign, earlier called School Chale Hum Abhiyan, as Vidyalaya Chale, Chalayen Abhiyan with...

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UNESCO report lauds India’s progress -Rukmini S

-The Hindu Universal access ensured, but quality remains a challenge India has made remarkable strides towards ensuring education for all, a new global monitoring report shows. While access is now close to universal, the quality of education remains a major challenge, it says. In April 2000, the governments of 164 countries adopted the Dakar Framework to deliver Education For All commitments by 2015. On Thursday, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation...

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Despite major gains, world's education goals far from achieved – UNESCO

-United Nations Just one third of countries have achieved all the measurable education goals set in 2000 and only half of all countries have achieved universal primary enrolment, the United Nations agency mandated with promoting learning spotlighted today, urging countries to bridge the $22 billion annual finance gap needed to achieve quality basic education for all by 2030. "The world has made tremendous progress towards 'Education for All'...however the agenda is far...

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Govt pushes land bill, yet vast swathes of acquired land lie unused

-Hindustan Times New Delhi: The BJP-led NDA government showed great speed in promulgating an ordinance to push through the land acquisition act, but an investigation by HT reveals that thousands of hectares of land acquired by the government is lying unused in several states. Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh top the list of states where land acquired even decades ago has not been industrialised. In the past 50 years, for instance, the...

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Why our farmers urgently need help -Devinder Sharma

-DNA Broken promises apart, a regular income for farmers is extremely essential There is trouble on the farm front. With untimely rains accompanied by hailstorms and strong winds showing no signs of relenting, further deepening the prevailing agrarian crisis; and with the spate of farmer suicides on the rise, agriculture faces its worst-ever crisis. While the rising number of farmer suicides is only a reflection of how fragile the agrarian economy...

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