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Drought-resistant paddy variety comes in handy -Rajiv Ajjibal

-The Hindu The variety is locally known as ‘Damberasali’ SIRSI (Karnataka): Amid reports of paddy crops affected by a deficient monsoon in Malnad this year, a young farmer in Hakkalkeri near Bedasgaon in Mundgod taluk is cultivating a rare variety that is drought resistant. Maryappa Choudappa Naik, a young farmer of Hakkalkeri brought 25 kg of ‘Raksha 10.5’ variety of paddy seeds from the Krishi Vigyan Kendra and noticed during the harvest that...

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A model to conserve indigenous paddy varieties -S Annamalai

-The Hindu The system brought down input costs — two to four kg of seeds per acre against 30 kg needed for fertiliser-based, water-intensive farming A model evolved for applying traditional wisdom in farming has also helped in conserving indigenous paddy varieties that are under threat of extinction. The Biodiversity Rainfed Farming System, promoted by Rural Organisation for Social Education, a not-for-profit voluntary organisation, in four blocks of Pudukottai district of Tamil Nadu,...

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Nutrition for kids -Aparajita Dasgupta

-The Indian Express Why early life investment matters, and what we should do about it. With the success in reducing child mortality, the challenge before India is to safeguard early-life conditions in order to prevent long-run loss in welfare for individuals and the economy. Malnutrition rates for India are extremely high, with about 38.4 per cent of children being stunted and 46 per cent underweight (National Family Health Survey, 2005-06). There...

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Incentivize pulses production to check spiralling prices

The low rate of inflation of 3.88 percent in Consumer Food Price Index during September, 2015 actually hides the high prices at which various pulses (dal) are available in kirana / retail shops across India. In terms of Consumer Price Index (combined), monthly rate of inflation in pulses and products during September 2015 (over September last year) stood at 29.76 percent as compared to the overall monthly retail inflation of...

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Pulse of the matter: Manufacturing a dal crisis, short-changing both farmer and consumer -Yogesh Pawar

-DNA Wondering about the plight of the rural population facing successive droughts which has to buy pulses, South Asia Network for Dams, Rivers and People (SANDRP) laments how no benefit of the price hike is reaching actual pulse farmers. While most link the current tur (pigeon pea) dal crisis with raging market prices, storage issues, hoarding and economics, a new study highlighting the making of the crisis - by South Asia Network...

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