-Reuters Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set in motion the first major revamp in decades of the archaic labour laws, part of a plan to revive the flagging economy, boost manufacturing and create millions of jobs. Successive governments have agreed labour reform is critical to absorb 200 million Indians reaching working age over the next two decades, but fears of an ugly union-led backlash and partisan politics have prevented changes to free...
Nitin Gadkari hints at amendments to land acquisition Act -Elizabeth Roche
-Live Mint Gadkari said that sections of the law that deal with compensation, rehabilitation and resettlement would not be touched New Delhi: Rural development minister Nitin Gadkari indicated that the government may change some provisions of the farmer-friendly land acquisition law, introduced by the previous Congress party-led government, to address concerns of the industry such as the rising cost of acquiring land and procedural delays. The minister, however, said sections of the...
More »India’s rainfall patterns changing drastically, say Stanford scientists -Anushka Kaushik
-Down to Earth Longer dry spells and wetter wet spells could spell doom for the Indian agriculture, they warn Tough times are ahead for the Indian agriculture which is highly dependent on the summer monsoon. According to a study by scientists from Stanford University in the United States, there has been a consistent drop in the average seasonal rainfall India receives during the summer monsoon months of July-August. The study also warns...
More »Bonus on MSP faces Centre's heat -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-The Business Standard Food Corporation to restrict procurement of foodgrain from States announcing additional sops In a crackdown on the practice of States announcing bonuses on the minimum support price (MSP) for wheat and rice, the Centre has said Food Corporation of India (FCI) will restrict procurement of foodgrain from such States. This will be effective from the coming rice procurement (October 2014-September 2015) and wheat procurement (April 2015-March 2016) seasons. If States...
More »Assocham suggests measures to boost agriculture growth
-PTI Says some of the immediate measures are implementing APMC Act in all States Stating agriculture has the potential to take India's growth to 8% and create millions of jobs in rural areas, Assocham has suggested a slew of measures to the Government in this regard. It has suggested the NDA government to adopt an enabling policy environment, modern technology and boost supply-chain efficiency to address food inflation, encourage investment-led growth and ensure...
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