-FAO On the path to Rio+20, FAO calls for a future with both healthier people and healthier ecosystems Sustainable development cannot be realized unless hunger and malnutrition are eradicated, FAO said in a policy document prepared for the Rio+20 Summit to be held in June in Rio de Janeiro. "We cannot call development sustainable while this situation persists, while nearly one out of every seven men, women and children are left behind, victims...
Hunger eradication essential to achieve sustainable development–UN food agency
-The United Nations Sustainable development will not be achieved unless hunger and malnutrition are eradicated, the United Nations food agency warned today in a new report. “We cannot call development sustainable while this situation persists, while nearly one out of every seven men, women and children are left behind, victims of undernourishment,” said the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), José Graziano da Silva, in a news release. In the report...
More »Play of interests-Jayati Ghosh
The Conflict of Interest Bill introduced in the Rajya Sabha is a welcome step to control the grey areas in which “public private partnerships” are conducted. AMONG the many things that have proliferated in the economic boom of the brash new India is conflict of interest. So widespread, comprehensive and many-tentacled has this feature become that it is often no longer even recognised to exist, much less to be a...
More »Agriculture Ministry proposes Rs 170/qtl hike in paddy MSP
-PTI In view of rising farm input costs, the Agriculture Ministry has proposed a Rs 170 per quintal increase in the minimum support price (MSP) of paddy at Rs 1,250 per quintal for the 2012-13 crop year (July-June). According to sources, the ministry has circulated a Cabinet note among various ministries recommending MSP of Rs 1,250 per quintal for common variety paddy and Rs 1,280 per quintal for 'A' grade variety of...
More »Bihar govt bans gutka, pan masala for 1 year
-CNN-IBN Taking a giant step in its war against tobacco products in the state, Bihar government on Wednesday banned the sale of tobacco and nicotine mixed Gutka and Pan Masala for one year in the state. With this decision taken on the eve of 'World No-Tobacco Day', Bihar has become the third state after Madhya Pradesh and Kerala to ban these products. According to Food Security Commissioner, Sanjay Kumar the banned would take...
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