Reforms in the supply-chain system can help India tackle the demand-supply mismatch in essential food items Food inflation may have dropped to single digit but since that fall is set against last year’s elevated double-digit base, it continues to hurt the poor — 65 per cent of their disposable income goes towards food. The government often defends its failure to tame inflation by arguing that it has no magic wand to...
Widespread Graft Is Found in India’s Iron Ore Mining by Lydia Polgreen
Illegal iron ore mining involving hundreds of Indian officials and powerful politicians has devastated local communities in the southern state of Karnataka and cost its treasury more than $3.5 billion in revenue, according to a scathing report by an official anticorruption panel that was released on Wednesday. “In the illegal mining and irregularities committed in the export of iron ore, we have found the involvement of some 100 mining companies,...
More »Right to Food Campaign expresses concern over neglect of kids in Food Act The Working Group for Children Under Six (Jan Swasthya Abhiyan - Right to Food Campaign) is appalled by the scant regard for children in the draft National Food Security Bill of the Government of India that has been approved by the Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM), according to a press note issued by the Right to Food Campaign on Monday. The note further states, "Not only does this draft do grave...
More »‘Murdochisation' of the Indian media by Paranjoy Guha Thakurta and Alice Seabright
Its facets include concentration of media ownership and the transformation of news into a commodity. THE last two decades have witnessed a dramatic transformation of India's ‘mediascape' – a term first used by Arjun Appadurai, an academic of Indian origin based in the United States, to describe how visual imagery impacts the world and to describe and situate the role of the mass media in global cultural flows. While there...
More »In their voice by Ajoy Ashirwad Mahaprashasta
CGNet Swara in Chhattisgarh is a mobile radio platform that has helped bring tribal issues to national attention. MAHADEV SINGH, a Baiga tribal person, hails from a village situated atop a forested hill near Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. While most of the neighbouring villages are electrified and welfare schemes from the government reach them to an extent, Mahadev's village has lost out in this regard owing to its inaccessibility. Mahadev and his...
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