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How public health boosts an economy -K Srinath Reddy

-The Hindu A stronger health system in a country can lead to better outcomes on the economic growth front When public health sneezes, the economy catches cold. Dire predictions for the post-COVID-19 global economy have come from the International Monetary Fund, which called the present crisis the worst downturn since the Great Depression. Grim forebodings for the Indian economy have been sounded by many distinguished economists and the Governor of the Reserve...

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Garment units in Gurugram hit by curbs on movement of workers from Delhi -Ashok Kumar

-The Hindu They are grappling with an acute shortage of workers despite the government allowing industries to open Gurugram: Though the Haryana government has allowed industries to resume operations after April 20 to encourage economic activity in the State, garment units in the millennium city are grappling with a shortage of workforce due to restrictions on cross-border movement between Delhi and Gurugram for the past three weeks. The restrictions have also led to...

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Lockdown and Persons with Disabilities: Survey recommends enforcing disability inclusive guidelines across India

-The Indian Express The report, which comprised approximately 73 per cent males and 27 per cent females, showed that over "73 per cent of those interviewed were facing severe challenges on account of the lockdown". Considering the numerous challenges that Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) have been facing during lockdown, a recent survey recommends enforcing the March 27, 2020 Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) guidelines for securing financial support to...

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Concerned citizens ask state governments to transport stranded migrants to their homes

-Press release by Stranded Workers Action Network, dated 20th May 2020   We, the undersigned organizations call upon the State governments concerned to bring out all idle transport vehicles out from garages to the State and National highways to carry the workers to their home. We also request that more interstate trains be run, and in a coordinated fashion, to ensure that workers do not remain struck in overcrowded dormitories and camps....

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The Modi Sarkar’s Project for India’s Informal Economy -Barbara Harriss-White From demonetisation to GST and now the lockdown, the government's policies towards the 'unorganised sector' has spelt nothing but rack and ruin. What has the BJP-led government of Narendra Modi done since 2014 that does not suggest it wishes to destroy the informal economy, also known as the unorganised sector? While the ‘unorganised’ informal economy now accounts for roughly half of India’s GDP – and is shrinking relative to the share of...

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