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The rising agrarian distress in India -Jayati Ghosh To stabilize crop prices and make them remunerative, the Swaminathan Commission proposed significant improvements in the implementation of MSPs Across the country, farmers are furious—and rightfully so. Four years ago, they helped bring the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to power, believing Narendra Modi’s claims that they would no longer suffer official neglect. But since then, conditions in agriculture have got worse. Earlier problems have worsened as farm incomes have been squeezed...

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Survey: Serious flaws in new food subsidy scheme in Jharkhand

-The Times of India RANCHI: Jharkhand Government's Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme, introduced last year for ration distribution, has serious flaws, an audit by Right To Food (RTF) Campaign has revealed. After the pilot DBT scheme was introduced in October 2017 at Nagri block in Ranchi district, residents could no longer purchase rice at Re 1 per kg from ration shops and instead had to wait for transfers to their bank accounts....

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Massive Demo against "DBT for food subsidy" in Jharkhand

-Press Release from Right to Food Campaign dated 26 February, 2018 Ranchi: Thousands of people – men and women, young and old – walked all the way from Nagri Block towards the Chief Minister’s House in Ranchi today to demand an immediate end to the “DBT for food subsidy” experiment in Nagri. They were prevented from reaching the CM’s house, but they did reach the Governor’s house where they held a...

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Nagri can't stomach DBT

-The Telegraph   Cash-for-ration going directly to beneficiary bank accounts 'a disaster'   Ranchi: Bhashan nahin, ration do (give no speeches, give us ration). DBT hatao, ration bachao (remove direct benefit transfer, save ration), Raghubar-Saryu hai-hai (down with chief minister Raghubar Roy and food minister Saryu Roy). Holding such banners and posters, around 1,000 residents from 13 panchayats of Nagri on Monday undertook a 15km padyatra (rally on foot) from Kathalmore to Raj Bhavan...

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Nagri residents want Government to nix DBT for food subsidy

-The Pioneer Ranchi: A large number of ration card holders from Nagri and activists of Right to Food Campaign, led by noted socio-economist Jean Drèze on Monday marched to Raj Bhawan demanding immediate withdrawal of  ‘Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) for Food subsidy’  and restore the old system of providing rice at Re 1 per kg to the poor people at ration shops. Drèze, who was stopped at Raj Bhawan by the district...

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