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Twosome giving RTE to these kids by Aditya Dev

They are the children of migrant labourers, security guards, maids and gardeners for whom access to formal education would have been a distant goal, had it not been for two women who started teaching them under a tree in Sector 56, two years ago. The twosome are effectively giving these underprivileged children their right to education without any fanfare. From a measly five-six students, their number has now grown to...

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Wajahat Habibullah, chairperson, National Commission for Minorities interviewed by Kavita Chowdhury

Wajahat Habibullah, chairperson, National Commission for Minorities, speaks to Kavita Chowdhury on reservation for Muslims, the RTI Act and the controversy over withdrawal of AFSPA in Kashmir. You had recently visited Rajasthan. In Bharatpur district’s Gopalgarh village, some members of the minority community, Mev Muslims, were killed and the state administration was accused of mishandling the matter. What is your view? A communal riot is an unpardonable crime. The state government has taken...

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OBC quota pool likely to get bigger by Subodh Ghildiyal

The number of backward caste members eligible for reservation benefits may see a quantum jump, with the Centre considering a drastic relaxation of the definition of "creamy layer" to enable those with an annual income of Rs 12 lakh in metros qualify for quota benefits. The eligibility level is proposed to be raised to Rs 9 lakh in non-metro cities, marking a two-fold hike from the existing ceiling of Rs 4.5...

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What Is The Real Goal Of The Anna Movement? by Rohini Hensman

Many people including members of Team Anna have expressed reservations about the way in which their campaign has been developing, and some have even resigned. This raises questions about the real aim of the leadership around Anna. Is it really what it is proclaimed to be? Is the aim to get the Jan Lokpal Bill passed by parliament? Team Anna has repeatedly stated that they have just a one-point agenda: to get...

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PMO sees foreign hand

-The Hindu   V. Narayanasamy, Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office, said on Saturday that the anti-Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNP) agitation was being funded by foreign agencies. “We've already started investigation to unmask the foreign agencies actually funding the ongoing agitation against KKNPP even after the nuclear reactors' safety has been ensured by installing futuristic state-of-the-art safety features,” he told reporters here. The country, which would be in need of 4.50...

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