Total Matching Records found : 9033

OppoSITion to India's hydel projects in Bhutan by Sandeep Dikshit

The winds of democracy are making it harder for India to negotiate the construction of mega hydel projects in Bhutan. Fixing terms and conditions for bringing power from Bhutan was a cakewalk with the first three hydel projects five years ago. With newspapers other than the Kuensel , a tiny but vocal OppoSITion in Bhutanese Parliament and exiled leaders raising issues relating to sovereignty, Indian officials are now having to work...

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6 more farmers from Vidarbha commit suicide by Pradip Kumar Maitra

The failure of timely intervention by the state government as regards the woes of cotton growers of Vidarbha seems to have only added to the agrarian crisis. The suicide by six more cotton growers of the region in the last 72 hours paints a grim picture of the correlation between the government’s inaction and distressed farmers driven to take the extreme step.   Reports reaching here on Thursday said that among the...

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Fractured Democracy by Seram Rojesh

Irom Sharmila, 39 year old woman of Manipur has completing her 11th year of her hunger strike on 4th November 2011. She has been fasting to repeal the Armed Forces Special Power act 1958(AFSPA 1958). Against this act, 12 mother of Manipur had challenged the government of India by showing their body without any clothes in public on 15 July 2004. A student’sleader PabemChitaranjan self-emulated himself on the independence day...

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World on brink of another economic meltdown and recession: UN

-PTI   The United Nations has warned that the world is on the brink of another recession, projecting that global economic growth will slow down further in 2012 and even emerging powerhouses like India and China, which led the recovery last time, will get bogged down.  The UN 'World Economic SITuation and Prospects 2012' report has cut the global growth forecast for next year to 2.6 per cent from 4 per cent in...

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FDI in retail: More jobs in store for rural youth by Shruti Choudhury & Amiti Sen

Foreign retailers may have to reserve at least half of their jobs in superstores for rural youth and source more than the mandated 30% from micro and small industries as the government tries to salvage the big ticket but controversial economic reform.  An official said the government is likely to have a relook at a proposal that seeks to reserve at least 50% of jobs in foreign-owned superstores for those who...

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