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Dense smoke a common sight as paddy stubble burning continues despite ban -Neeraj Mohan

-The Hindustan Times Sangrur (Punjab): Notwithstanding the government's ban on burning of paddy stubble, the practice continues unabated, causing serious threat to human health and soil fertility. Respiratory issues and allergies are common complaints due to the burning of paddy stubble which leads to smog.Smoke from the burnt paddy stubble has covered the sky in most parts of the district, reducing visibility on highways and causing respiratory problems. Despite several steps taken by...

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Two-thirds of prison inmates in India are undertrials -Rukmini S

-The Hindu Over 3,000 of the 2.8 lakh have been behind bars for more than five years Two of every three persons incarcerated in India have not yet been convicted of any crime, and Muslims are over-represented among such undertrials, new official data show. Despite repeated Supreme Court orders on the rights of undertrials, the jails are filling ever faster with them, shows Prisons Statistics for 2013 released by the National Crime Records...

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‘Eco Cooker’ promises to save 30% of LPG -B Venkat Sandeep

-The Hindu Tirupati (Andhra Pradesh): Given that about 30 per cent of the national energy goes to conventional cooking, bringing down LPG consumption holds the key. As the likely targets are social welfare hostels and schools, where mass cooking of meals is an integral part of the daily chore, New and Renewable Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh (NREDCAP) gave a demo at Social Welfare Boys' Hostel here recently on the use...

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Hudhud a twister for sugarcane -GV Prasada Sarma

-The Hindu VISAKHAPATNAM: It is estimated that crop in 2,300 ha has been damaged. Most of the cane grown in the area is used for making jaggery. Even if some of the cane can be used to make jaggery, the units are in no condition to work as there is no power. Sugarcane, paddy, cashew, casuarina - anything that came in the way of the severe cyclonic storm Hudhud met with the...

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Growing demand for organic fertilizer, pest-control products in Kozhikode -Jabir Mushthari

-The Hindu Kozhikode: The recent resurgence in organic farming seems to have given sales of organic fertilizers and pest control prescriptions a huge boost in the market. Different city-based groups and collectives engaged in promoting organic farming and marketing organic products including vegetables and fruits testify to this trend. Besides other channels, the recently launched, NABARD-funded exclusive outlet for locally cultivated organic vegetables under Niravu Vengeri, a progressive residential forum here, sees...

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