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Sedition in India: Only two of 112 cases registered between 2014 and 2016 resulted in convictions -Abhishek Dey ‘The primary reason for the abysmally low conviction rate for sedition cases is that the law is misapplied,’ said senior advocate Sanjay Hegde. The Indian police registered 112 cases of sedition across the country between 2014 and 2016, but only two have led to convictions, according to a report released by the National Crime Records Bureau on Thursday and a government statement in Parliament last year. The National Crime Records Bureau’s annual...

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Woman spend more time doing unpaid work than men

-PTI According to the research, not only more women engage in unpaid work as compared to men, they spend two to ten times more time on unpaid work. In addition to their paid activities, this creates a double burden for them. Women spend two to ten times more time doing unpaid work than men, according to a research released today by an NGO. It said one of the major manifestations of the...

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No fingers or iris for Aadhaar, Bengaluru woman loses pension -Suraksha P

-The New Indian Express BENGALURU: Sajida Begum, 65, has been living at the Leprosy Hospital on Magadi Road for the past 10 years. Her family left her at the hospital years ago and does not come to visit. This leprosy patient’s only sustenance is the Rs 1,000 pension that she gets every month. Three months ago, this was stopped for the lack of an Aadhaar card. Sajida has lost her fingers and...

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Yojna Banao Abhiyan - then a hit, now a miss -Debmalya Nandy

-Down to Earth The local administration in Jharkhand is undermining the decentralised scheme, created to enhance livelihood, manage natural resources and improve basic infrastructure in rural areas Yojna Banao Abhiyan (YBA) was an outcome of two government programmes – Mission Antodaya (Intensive Participatory Planning Exercise (IPPE-II)) of the Ministry of Rural Development, and Gram Panchayat Development Planning of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj. It gave an opportunity to newly elected gram panchayats...

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Centre approves setting up of National Nutrition Mission to address malnutrition, stunting

-Down to Earth The mission would map various schemes and monitor them real-time The Union Cabinet has finally approved the setting up of National Nutrition Mission (NNM). A total of  Rs 9,046.17 crore has been allocated for the next three years, commencing from 2017-18. The main agenda of NMM is to address the issue of malnutrition and stunted growth in India. The mission would map various schemes and monitor them real-time.  The...

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