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Let's have a fair deal by Harsh Mander

Land acquisition and involuntary displacement have been the fountainhead of enormous destitution of millions of invisible people since Independence. Generations of those sacrificed for ‘development’ are farmers and farm workers, and many are fragile tribal people and forest gatherers. By coercive displacement and dispossession, governments pauperise its poorest people, and its food-growers, so that the ‘nation’ can prosper and grow. Rage at persisting State injustice of coercive displacement frequently spills onto...

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Singur bill triggers me-too cry by Abhijeet Chatterjee and Indranil Sarkar

The Singur land take-back bill has spurred a group of farmers in Burdwan to demand return of their plots that were acquired for a proposed health city. The 84 farmers had turned down cheques in exchange for 23 acres — all multi-crop land — that had been acquired in 2005 for the project in Goda. Fifty-seven acres from 350 landowners were marked for acquisition at the rate of Rs 12 lakh an...

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A suicide every 30 minutes and more bad news

A report by the Centre for Human Rights and Global Justice (CHRGJ) reveals that there is a strong link between farmers’ suicides and denial of social and gender justice. It says that farmers’ suicides, which are a grim marker of India’s agrarian crisis, will become more severe in times to come due to the existing gender and caste-based discrimination. Issued by CHRGJ and the International Human Rights Clinic (at New York...

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Rural poor left out in financial inclusion

-The Indian Express   Financial inclusion in India seems to be far from inclusive. Out of a total of 5,165 new branches opened in 2011, only 21.86 per cent are rural branches, says a study. A growth rate of more than 700 per cent in urban Customer Service Points (CSPs) over the last year points towards the latest trend of urbanisation among Business Correspondents (BCs). Although there is not much difference between growth...

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Correction course in MP stirs debate by Maitreyee Handique

Madhya Pradesh is betting cash incentives will curb population growth and improve the ‘life cycle’ of the girl child, but experts question the efficacy of such policies in addressing deep-rooted social prejudices Visitors trudging down the dusty village road are greeted by a giant billboard featuring a smiling Shivraj Singh Chouhan, the chief minister of Madhya Pradesh, hugging two young girls. The tagline in Hindi reads: Gaon ki beti, kisse chhoti...

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