-The Hindu The Tamil Nadu Cabinet on Thursday passed a resolution urging the Centre to halt the work on the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP) until the fears of local population over the safety of the plants are allayed. The Cabinet resolution was in line with the assurance given by Chief Minister Jayalalithaa to the anti-Kudankulam protesters on Wednesday, when their representatives called on her. ‘Struggle to continue' Tirunelveli Staff Reporter adds: Though the 12-day...
No hic hic in this village now, hurrah by Santosh K Kiro
A band of tribal women from rebel-hit Jehan village, 125km from the state capital, are keeping their men off liquor since the past one-and-half years. An unlikely crusader leads rural homemakers, numbering about 60, under the self-named outfit Nehru Mahila Samiti. She’s a 29-year-old primary schoolteacher, Basanti Tirkey, a Ranchi’s Nirmala College alumnus from the batch of 2004. The mother of a three-year-old son, her husband Antonis Lakra works in the...
More »Storm brews over land deal, big dam
-The Telegraph It was a stormy homecoming for chief minister Tarun Gogoi with members of the All Assam Students’ Union waving black flags and Opposition parties raising the pitch against the Indo-Bangla land-swap deal. From the AASU to former chief minister Prafulla Kumar Mahanta to the All India United Democratic Front, everyone went after the three-time chief minister for having allegedly sold out the interests of Assam vis-à-vis the land deal as...
More »Planet Earth needs a global biodiversity watchdog by M Rajshekhar
Have you heard of the Yangtze River Dolphin? For the longest time, it used to be found along 1,700 kilometres of the middle and lower reaches of the mighty Chinese river. The Baiji, as it is known, was white finned, a little over two metres long, had poor eyesight and relied mainly on sonar for navigation. A few decades ago, as populations along the river grew, as shipping traffic rose,...
More »When you send your kids to school, pray they aren’t forced to become rally cattle
-The Telegraph Children are not safe in school if there is a rally in this city. At least 45 children from a government-run New Alipore school, some of them barely 10 years old, were herded into a Matador van and sent to central Calcutta without their parents’ consent. Some of them thought their children had been kidnapped when they arrived at Sahapur Mathuranath Vidyapeeth after hearing from people in the neighbourhood that many...
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