-The Hindu A well recharge pit was also dug for harvesting the rains Appiyampatti, a small hamlet in Dindugal district of Tamil Nadu, is one among the several villages in the state which has been facing a severe drought for the past over five years. Even during such a critical phase when several farmers left farming and started moving out in search of alternative work Mr. V.Chellamutu remained anchored in the village to...
Generating power with the help of bullocks!
-The Hindu Hyderabad (Telengana): City-based entrepreneur develops eco-friendly generator which promises solution to farmers hit by power crisis. The cost of the equipment is around Rs. 2 lakh and can be installed on a 100 sq. yard piece of land. A unique eco-friendly generator developed by a city based entrepreneur promises to provide an effective solution to the woes of Telangana farmers hit by power crisis. On Sunday, the Muscle Energy Enviro Mission...
More »For a tree on every field boundary -Rita Sharma
-The Hindu Agroforestry promotes productive cropping environments, prevents deforestation, protects watersheds and enables agricultural land to withstand extreme weather events Growing trees on farms is a triple-win strategy for combating simultaneously the challenges of increasing food production, mitigating greenhouse gases and adapting to climate change. It is an instrument of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA), catapulted to centre-stage by President Obama's launch of the Global Alliance for CSA at the World Climate Summit on...
More »Satyarthi's Nobel gets muted response -Archis Mohan & Deepak Patel
-The Business Standard The response by Indian industry and civil society to Satyarthi's honour has been conspicuously absent When an Indian citizen had last won a Nobel Prize - Amartya Sen for Economics in 1998 - the prize was much celebrated in the country, and the winner was awarded a Bharat Ratna the next year. But that was 16 years ago. Today, even as another Indian, Kailash Satyarthi, is set to jointly...
More »Electrified, but without electricity -Rahul Tongia
-The Hindu India needs a meaningful electricity service, not merely a wire connection to every household No one would believe that simply owning a smart phone would be enough to go online and get connected - one would still need a data connection for that to happen. Similarly, it is time that we added a similar level of service to define electrification, a focus area for the government. A decade ago, a village...
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