Union Minister of State for Environment and Forests Jairam Ramesh announced in Sariska on Wednesday Rs.30 crore for shifting villages from the Sariska Tiger Reserve. On a visit to the reserve after the death of CP1, one of the five tigers released there as part of the re-introduction of tigers, Mr. Ramesh expressed his concern over the incident but gave the go-ahead to his team there for the continuation of...
Goa tops unemployment list in India by Amitav Ranjan
The first-ever annual employment survey by the Labour Bureau under the Union Ministry of Labour points to a “jobless economic growth” last fiscal year. During the bureau’s survey period 2009-10 — also the year in which India’s gross domestic product grew by 7.4 per cent — unemployment was 9.4 per cent. The National Sample Survey Organisation, using its Consumer Expenditure Survey for 2007-08, had painted a rosy unemployment figure of 2.8...
More »European Commission honour for India Today journalist
An India Today report based on the Right to Information Act by Associate Editor Shyamlal Yadav is among the winning entries for the 2010 Lorenzo Natali Prize (LNP)-2010, an annual competition open to journalists worldwide. The report was among the 17 best entries (three from each continent and two special prizes) from over 1,100 nominations worldwide. Awarded by the European Commission, the LNP is supported by Reporters Without Borders and WAN IFRA...
More »Forest panel to recommend withdrawal of clearance to Posco
After 10 days of back and forth discussion, the Forest Advisory Committee (FAC) plans to recommend withdrawal of the clearance granted to the South Korean giant Posco for its Rs.54,000-crore integrated steel plant in Orissa. “It was a conditional clearance that specifically mentioned the need to meet the FRA [Forest Rights Act] requirements,” said an FAC member, who did not wish to be named. “We have agreed that they have not...
More »Forest Act implementation poor in state: Report by Rakesh Lohumi
The joint committee on the Forest Rights Act (FRA) has termed the implementation of the Act in the state as extremely poor and recommended that it should be enforced in the state and not confined only to the tribal areas. It is of the firm view that there should be no diversion of forest land till the FRA is enforced fully. Disagreeing with the general perception on the part of the government...
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