-The Hindu High spending on medicines and health will push many Indians below the poverty line, the World Health Organisation has cautioned. “Due to the out-of-pocket spending of their income on medicines and healthcare services, about 3.2 per cent of India's population will come below the poverty line,” a senior WHO official said at a meet organised by the Delhi Society for Promotion of Rational Use of Drugs (DSPRUD) and WHO on...
One in five Indians hit by diabetes and high blood pressure: Report
-The Times of India One in every five Indian adults living in urban cities suffers not only from hypertension but also diabetes. In Maharashtra, more disturbingly, one in three persons is struck by the twin epidemic. These are some of the highlights of India's largest clinic-based survey to assess the prevalence of diabetes and hypertension. The findings of the study, called Screening India's Twin Epidemic (SITE), were announced on Monday in...
More »Can the Planning Commission be reinvented? by Sanjeeb Mukherjee, Indivjal Dhasmana & Vrishti Beniwal
Caught in the middle of a maelstrom of controversies, the Planning Commission has been accused of being disconnected from ground realities. Its 12th Plan hopes to fix that. A short while ago, the Congress general secretary and scion of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, Rahul Gandhi, remarked that members of the Planning Commission are not in touch with the ground realities in India. He could have been somewhat influenced by his father, former...
More »New Pharma policy to cap prices of 60% drugs by Namrata Nandakumar & CH Unnikrishnan
India’s new pharmaceutical policy seeks to bring at least 400 essential medicines—or 60% of the drugs sold in the country—under the government’s pricing control. The department of pharmaceuticals on Friday put out a draft policy, pending since 2005, after a committee prepared a list of essential medicines, laying down new rules governing drug pricing. Currently, the government controls the prices of only 34 essential medicines. The draft says the policy, to be finalized...
More »Rotavirus infection: India among 5 nations with high deaths by Aarti Dhar
Close to one lakh children below the age of five years died of diarrhoea attributable to rotavirus infection in India in 2008, accounting for 22 per cent of the total deaths reported globally that year, the latest edition of the Lancet Infectious Diseases magazine has reported. Worldwide in 2008, diarrhoea related to rotavirus infection resulted in 4,53,000 deaths in children younger than 5 years — 37 per cent of deaths attributable...
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