-The Economic Times Springing a surprise, Tamil Nadu chief minister J Jayalalithaa on Saturday said the Kudankulam nuclear power project is all set to go on stream within 10 days. "Within 10 days we will start the project," an optimistic Jayalalithaa said after participating in the chief ministers' conference in New Delhi. Senior officials at the Nuclear Power Corporation Limited, however, did not share the CM's enthusiasm about the short deadline for...
Despite falling cost of solar power generation, it will survive on subsidies
-The Economic Times The April 28, 2012, issue of The Economist has a story on India's solar power and mentions Charanka village in Patan district, Gujarat. Solar energy can be converted into electricity, using photovoltaics, or can be converted into heat. (There are other technologies too, but those aren't important yet.) So far, solar thermal, or heating, in India has essentially meant solar cookers and water heaters, though it needn't stay that...
More »NPCIL told to publicize safety analysis reports-Anuja & Jacob P Koshy
Reluctance to make reports public could erode public confidence in government’s decisions, says CIC The Central Information Commission (CIC) has directed India’s nuclear Power Plant operator to publicize safety analysis reports of the Kudankulam atomic Power Plant within a month. In a contentious two-year dispute between environmentalists and the nuclear power establishment, the apex information commission, in an order on its website, has said that the reluctance to make the reports public...
More »Jayalalithaa reiterates appeal for entire allocation of power
-The Hindu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa on Wednesday reiterated her appeal for allocating the entire power to be generated from the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KKNPP) to the State. In her letter addressed to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the Chief Minister said: “I understand that nuclear fuel loading is going to take place in the next few days in the first unit of the plant of 1,000 MW [megawatt] capacity. It is expected...
More »Bihar proposes to set up 25 hydel power projects
-PTI Heavily dependent on the Centre for supply of electricity and facing acute power shortage, Bihar has taken steps for setting up 25 hydel power projects for generating about 800 MW with the proposals at various stages of approval, official sources said. Bihar State Hydel Power Coporation Limited Managing Director A K Pandey told PTI that the state had at present 54 MW capacity hydel Power Plant and work was on at...
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