-The Hindu “The violence at the Maruti plant at Manesar was a result of a well planned conspiracy by the management which we could not understand at that time. The management had introduced bouncers in the factory in order to intimidate the negotiating union leaders on July 18,” said Pradeep Kumar (name changed), a sacked labour of the plant, while speaking at a convention on “Intensified assault on the working class:...
Central TRADE UNIONs call two-day strike in February
-The Hindu In a growing indication of Central TRADE UNIONs setting aside differences to present a united front, a national convention of workers held on Tuesday here announced a two-day countrywide general strike on February 20 and 21 next year. National-level leaders of the five prominent TRADE UNIONs said that unless workers and unions stood united, they would lose the struggle against violation of labour laws and contractisation of labour, besides being...
More »Shadowboxing over coal-Brinda Karat
-The Indian Express A coal mine worker in Jharkhand and an expert on the coal industry called to protest against what he called was the noora kushti (shadowboxing) going on in Delhi. The power of the coal players was earlier seen in Jharkhand politics, he said, but now we see it in Delhi. Our players are small, yours are big and powerful. With the CBI itself unearthing prima facie evidence of...
More »Water Privatisation in Delhi-Raghu
-People's Democracy IT seems the Sheila Dixit government of Delhi, backed by powerful elements in the UPA-2 central government, will let nothing stand in the way of water privatisation in the capital. Several earlier attempts going back many years to fully or partially privatise distribution of water, especially the big loan application to the World Bank in 2005, were foiled by vigilant community organisations, public interest groups, TRADE UNIONs and political...
More »Government ready to take up bill to amend Coal Mine Nationalisation Act: Coal Minister Sri Prakash Jaiswal-Rohini Singh & Soma Banerjee
-The Economic Times The government is ready to give up its monopoly over coal mining to meet the requirements of the economy, if BJP supports a long-pending legislation to amend the Coal Mine Nationalisation Act (CMNA). "We are ready to take up the bill and open up the coal sector to increase production. This is the only way forward and there is a consensus within the government on this. Once BJP comes...
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